Albania’s SMI to meet on future coalition

TIRANA, Albania

The opposition Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI) announced Sunday (July 5th) that it will hold an extraordinary national convention Tuesday to secure party support for a future coalition government with Prime Minister Sali Berisha’s Democratic Party (DP).

“Party members will convene to discuss whether to authorise the SMI leadership to negotiate the formation of a new government,” said SMI senior official Edmond Haxhinasto. The party said it will agree only if the DP focuses on reforms aimed at moving the country towards EU membership.

The SMI won four crucial seats in the June 28th parliamentary elections. That was all the opposition Socialist Party (SP) would have needed to form the government, based on still unofficial results.

SP leader Edi Rama is criticising both the SMI and the DP for forming a coalition before the vote count is even complete. His party also is frowning on the Central Election Commission for declaring the DP the winner prematurely.

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