Govt. dissolves local assembly in Kosovo


The government passed a decision to dissolve the local assembly in Leposavić, and instituted a temporary body for the municipality.It was announced in the Official Gazzette that the interim body will deal with all issues within the Leposavić municipal assembly’s authority until a new assembly is constituted after early elections there.

Deputy Leposavić Municipal President Goran Lazović said last week at a press conference that councilors would not accept any temporary measures unless the government clearly explains its reasons for the decision.

“We will fight using all democratic and legal means against the introduction of temporary measures,” Lazović stated, and explained that they would go to Serbia’s Constitutional Court for its opinion.

He added that since December 11, 2008, when the local self-administration was constituted, the government and the Ministry for Kosovo did not have any criticism on the work of the local government.

The Serb Radical Party, Democratic Party of Serbia, Socialist Party of Serbia, Serb National Council and the Movement for Lešak share power in the local assembly in this northern Kosovo town.

The Democratic Party and the Sandžak Democratic Party are in opposition in the municipality.

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