K-Serbs to submit anti-EULEX petition

A Kosovo Serb delegation will today hand President Boris Tadić a petition signed by 48,000 Serbs calling on EULEX to leave Kosovo.

The deputy speaker of the Kosovo Serb assembly, Marko Jakšić, told B92 that EULEX did not belong in Kosovo because it was not neutral when it came to Kosovo’s status.

In his opinion “the mission’s goal is to complete the Albanian state.”

The petition will be submitted to the Russian embassy as well. Jakšić expects the petition describing the plight of the Kosovo Serbs to be given to Russian president Dmitry Medvedev upon his arrival in Belgrade on Tuesday.

“Why the petition against EULEX? Well, over the course of this year we have had a chance to see that EULEX is neither status-neutral nor it is trying to implement the six-point plan. It simply serves as an instrument for achieving Albanian national and state goals,” Jakšić said.

“Our opinion is that the president made a huge mistake by letting EULEX come here because we knew it came here under the Ahtisaari plan to give the Albanians another state here. But it’s only human to make mistakes, and we hope that this new petition will give the president a chance to correct his mistake by giving the EU mission its marching order,” he says.

“We’re also taking it to the Russian ambassador for the embassy to hand it to President Medvedev, given that the Russian Federation is sometimes more consistent and principled in trying to defend and keep Kosovo within our country. Russia is a great country and has the right to veto in the Security Council. I personally think that they can be of great help in revealing the real truth behind the work of this mission,” Jakšić said.

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