K. Albanians welcome ex-Ahtisaari deputy

The Kosovo assembly will hold a ceremonial session today to welcome former deputy UN special envoy in the Kosovo status talks Albert Rohan.

According to the announcements, Rohan will also address the assembly.

Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu then award him the “Gold Medal of Independence”.

This will come for the Austrian diplomat’s “contribution to solving the status, freedom and independence of Kosovo”.

After the ceremony, Rohan will meet Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci.

More accolades will follow as he is scheduled to receive a honorary doctorate from the University of Priština.

The Austrian deputy to the UN envoy in the talks, Martti Ahtisaari, was one of the authors of the “comprehensive proposal for the solution of the status of Kosovo”, which the ethnic Albanians used as a basis to unilaterally declare independence of the province in February 2008.

The so-called Ahtisaari plan was rejected by Belgrade, but also Moscow, and was consequently never approved by the United Nations.

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