Spanish FM Miguel Angel Moratinos: “The integration of the Western Balkans into the EU is one of the Spanish presidency’s priorities”

Spanish FM Miguel Angel Moratinos says the integration of the Western Balkans into the EU is one of the Spanish presidency’s priorities.

Moratinos said that Spain expects that the EU member-states will be able to unfreeze the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with Serbia by June. The agreement was signed in April 2008.

“We are convinced that, if we continue at this speed, the conditions for Serbia’s relatively fast progressing in European integration will be present,” Moratinos said, adding that it is now up to the EU member-states to decide on the next phase of Serbia’s EU integration, the priority being its candidate status application.

Asked how the integration of the Western Balkans would be handled technically, considering the fact that some EU member-states have recognized Kosovo, while others have not, Moratinos said that the integration of the region into the EU must be subject to a “widespread consensus”.

The Spanish minister added that the recognition of Kosovo is not a condition for Serbia’s integration, and that his country supports Serbia’s proposal to continue status negotiations without imposed solutions, in order to find a solution acceptable for all sides involved.

Moratinos said that the conditions must be created for the European perspective of the region to be “in the best interest of all, and not exclusively against the interests of Serbia”.

He also stated that there will be intensive negotiations for the association of Croatia so that they can be completed as soon as possible. Moratinos said that an “appropriate rhythm of negotiations” will continue with Turkey, while EU will look to improve talks with the FRY Macedonia as much as possible, “as soon as the name dispute between Skopje and Athens is resolved”.

“Of course, we will dedicate special attention to the countries of the region that have applied for candidate status – Albania, Montenegro and Serbia – evaluating them individually according to their merit, but with the intention of having each country make essential progress in the first half of the year, and not lag behind,” Moratinos said.

He added that the initiative of Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, known as “Agenda 2014” for the Western Balkans integrations, is “very ambitious”.

“Its significance politically is that it reminds us all of the importance of the integration of the Balkans into the EU. I would even say that it is urgent,” Moratinos said.

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