EU applauds Ukrainian presidential elections

The European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton gave a welcome to the completion of the second round of voting in the Ukrainian presidential elections in a statement publushed Monday, Xinhua News Agency informed.

“The generally calm atmosphere in which the elections were conducted, the open campaign in the media and the fact that the electorate were provided with a genuine choice represent important achievements in Ukraine’s democratic development,” said Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

Ashton “congratulated” the people of Ukraine for the high turn out in both rounds of the elections and the strong commitment demonstrated to the democratic process.

She said, the European Union remains committed to deepening the relationship with Ukraine and supporting it in implementing its reform agenda.

“It looks forward to working with the new President to this end, ” she added.
The OSCE/ODIHR-led International Election Observation Mission also gave positive assessment to the voting process.

A delegation of eight MEPs confirmed on Monday that both rounds of presidential election in Ukraine met most of the country’s international commitments.

“The door to Europe should be open to Ukraine,” said Pawel Kowal, chair of the delegation. “Orderly elections are an important signal for the European public opinion, that today Ukraine is a normal European country which has the right to make its European choice.”

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