The European Union set out 21 benchmarks that Croatia has to meet if it wants to conclude judiciary chapter by the end of the year and sign accession treaty next year. The documents says that more than 90 percent of the benchmarks refer to the government and government policy.
Croatia has been urged to depoliticize public sector and create a legal framework for professional public service.
The employees in ministries should be paid on basis of their performance, EU said. It also called for merit-based promotion system.
Furthermore, EU urged Croatia to pay special attention on investigation and court proceedings related to intimidation of journalists, particularly those reporting on corruption and organized crime cases.
The country must ensure police efficacy, change the system of recruiting of judges, to ensure technical conditions for work of judges and prosecutors, and enforce alterations to the law on financing political parties.
The cooperation with the war crimes tribunal in the Hague is also among key elements in the judiciary chapter.