Hague prosecutor Serge Brammertz says Serbia must do more on war crimes indictees

Serbia can and must do more to capture Ratko Mladić and Goran Hadžić, Chief Hague Prosecutor Serge Brammertz said ahead of his trip to Belgrade.

Brammetz stated that his talks with Serbia’s official will focus on the latest activities in the search for the Hague war crimes indictees.

He also asserted that the EU should continue using conditioning as a means of pressure in order for Serbia to cooperate.

Brammertz said that, at this point, he was not satisfied with Serbia’s cooperation with his office, and added that he would decide whether that remark would make it to his regular report – to be submitted to the UN Security Council – after he had met with the country’s officials and heard about the progress made in their search for Mladić and Hadžić.

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