Serbian President: We should have better relations with Croatia

Serbia-Croatia relations are extremely important, and dialogue should not be tainted with tactless statements, Serbian President Boris Tadic said in Prague today.

The Serbian President said in Prague on Monday that some recent statements by Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor and Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic were “absolutely unacceptable”.

“Relations between Serbia and Croatia are too important to be brought into question with tactless statements,” Tadic said, adding that those relations were of “the utmost importance for stability in Southeast Europe.”

“We have to go back to dialogue, we have to solve concrete problems and build the closest friendship possible between the Serbian and Croatian peoples, between Serbia and Croatia,” Tadic said, adding that he had done a lot with Croatian President Ivo Josipovic to elevate relations between the two countries to the highest level and that this must be pursued.

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