MEPs approved resolution for liberalisation of labor markets to Bulgaria and Romania

The European Parliament approved Tuesday a resolution urging all EU Member States to allow Bulgarians and Romanians onto their labor markets by the end of 2011.

In a press release, the EP informs that a draft resolution prepared by Romanian MEP from the European People’s Party (EPP) Traian Ungureanu, showing that no negative effects have been reported in those Member States that have allowed workers from Member States onto their labor markets, was passed by the majority of the MEPS.

“Official figures, including figures from the Commission, proved that workers from Eastern Europe did not generate unemployment and did not put pressure on the social welfare systems. On the contrary, the influx brought economic growth in the destination countries evaluated at around 1% of the GDP,” Ungureanu is quoted saying during the discussions.

The press release points out that MEPs are calling on Member States to review their rules on transitional periods and urge those Member States that still impose restrictions on Bulgarian and Romanian citizens to remove them by the end of 2011, before the final deadline of 2013 laid down in the EU accession treaty.

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