Seselj sentenced to one-and-a-half years prison for contempt of Court

The Hague Tribunal has convicted Vojislav Seselj, leader of the Serbian Radical Party, of contempt of court and sentenced him to one-and-a-half years prison for disclosing the identity of a protected witness during his trial for war crimes committed in Croatia, Vojvodina and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Delivering the verdict, Trial Chamber Chairman O-Gon Kwon said that it had been proved, beyond any doubt, that Seselj intentionally interfered with the administration of justice by disclosing information in one of his books published on his Internet web page, which identified ten witnesses, who had previously been granted protection measures.

Seselj knew, according to the verdict read by judge Kwon, when he published his book about several court decisions prohibiting the disclosure of the identity of those witnesses.

As a result, it was judged that Seselj deliberately violated the tribunal’s orders related to witness protection.

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