Turkey urges EU to help fight against PKK

EU Minister Egemen Bağış has urged European countries to work with Turkey to eliminate the PKK, which allegedly controls the largest drug network in Europe.

“European countries should now be aware of their own interests and cooperate with Turkey to destroy the PKK,” Bağış said, adding that he would discuss the support given to the PKK by foreign countries during his meetings with EU officials in Brussels.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan recently said Turkey would not allow the establishment of a parallel state such as the one allegedly planned by the Kurdish Communities Union (KCK), and Bağış echoed his words.

“Turkey is a democratic, secular and social state. In a rule of law there is no such thing as a ‘parallel state.’ It is not acceptable for someone to say, ‘We are going to have a separate state structure.’ This would not be accepted by either the United States or EU countries.”

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