Thursday’s meeting of Macedonian political leaders ended without agreement. After starting late and convening for less than an hour, the leaders came out with no agreement whatsoever on how to end the political gridlock caused by the opposition parliament boycott and a dispute over the date for the forthcoming election.
Read More »Yearly Archives: 2011
Croatia to announce its parliamentary elections by end of June
Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor said on Monday (March 21st) that the date of this year’s parliamentary elections will be announced by the end of June, when the country is expected to wrap up its EU accession talks.
Read More »Serbian government will implement EU action plan by end of June
The Serbian government will implement all reforms spelled out in its action plan for EU membership by the end of June, Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic said on Monday (March 21st). He confirmed that roughly
Read More »Kosovo Parliament Speaker asked EULEX to withdraw Limaj’s arrest warrant
Kosovo Parliament Speaker Jakup Krasniqi asked EULEX prosecutors on Monday (March 21st) to withdraw an arrest warrant against lawmaker Fatmir Limaj, arguing it violates the constitution and immunity laws that protect
Read More »Georgia moves closer to NATO integration
Upon completion of a meeting with Georgia’s parliamentary speaker David Bakradze, NATO Parliamentary Assembly President Karl Lamers expressed his support for democratic processes in Georgia and the country’s integration into the Alliance.
Read More »Serbia’s chief negotiator on Kosovo says the solution must preserve peace and stability
Belgrade Kosovo talks team head Borko Stefanović says the issue of north Kosovo has to be resolved in a manner which would preserve peace and stability. The north of the province is inhabited predominantly by Serbs who refuse the authority of the Kosovo Albanian government in Priština.
Read More »Bosnia’s Federation Entity Names New Government, But Instability Will Govern
By Anes Alic After five months of back-and-forth negotiations following October 2010 general elections in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the new parliament and government have been named in the Bosniak and Croat-dominated Federation entity. There has been an inability to reach a consensus at the highest levels for the distribution of ministries and …
Read More »Early elections in Macedonia most likely on June 12
Leaders of the four biggest parties in Macedonia’s government and opposition VMRO-DPMNE, the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM), the Democratic Party for Integration (DSI) and the New Democracy on Tuesday are to meet at the office of President Gjorge Ivanov to clear discuss about the early elections. At the …
Read More »Belgrade-Priština talks to continue next week in Brussels
The next session within the dialogue between Belgrade and Priština has been postponed for the next week in Brussels. The agenda may be extended by introducing the issues of electricity and freedom of movement. The negotiating teams will continue to
Read More »Bosnian Croats say they will form National Assembly
Bosnia’s main Croatian parties say national assembly will be first response to formation of government in the Bosniak-Croat entity that they see as “illegal”. The Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ, and its sister party HDZ 1990 have launched an initiative for the formation of a Croat national assembly for municipalities and
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