New CIA Rendition Probe Lists Romania Detentions

A new report says that Romania detained six individuals on behalf of the CIA after the 9/11 attacks.Some 54 countries, including Romania and Poland, assisted in the CIA’s secret detention and rendition programme in the years after 9/11 terrorist attacks, a new human rights report says.

The report, made public on Tuesday by the Open Society Justice Initiative, says that Romania secretly detained six individuals in a Bucharest prison that formed part of a network of so-called “Black sites” set up by the CIA in Thailand, Lithuania, Poland and elsewhere.

The prisons closed in 2006 and the CIA ended the detention and interrogation programme in 2009.

This was the first time that the names of the six allegedly prisoners were made public.

In recent years, Romania was repeatedly accused of complicity in CIA secret renditions. In 2007, a report by the Swiss politician Dick Marty, from the Council of Europe, accused the CIA of using a prison at the Black Sea air base at Mihail Kogalniceanu in eastern Romania.

Romania, a NATO member, is one of the US’s strongest allies among the ex-Communist countries of Eastern Europe.

Romanian officials, including country’s current President, Traian Basescu, have consistently denied that CIA prisons existed in Romania.

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