Controversial Ex-Yu Facebook Group Pops Up Again

A Facebook group, featuring half-naked photographs of underage girls from all over former Yugoslavia, and which was shut down, has reappeared.

Photographs and “selfies” of teenage girls from Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia, shown half-naked in lace underwear, mini-skirts and other sexually suggestive clothing, have reappeared on Facebook under the name “Biggest sluts in elementary schools and high schools.”

“The page was deleted but we made a new one 🙂 Send us photos in inbox,” the Facebook group says.  

The initial, now deleted, Facebook group – as well as the new one – published photographs of underage girls with their names and surnames. The group collected more than 60,000 followers during the Easter holiday.

The administrators of the controversial group are unknown but its description invites interested parties to send in their own photos and those of their friends, which are then published without censorship.

The hacker group United Bosnian Hackers claims the founder of the group is an underage Croat called Renato E, who used a fake Facebook profile (under the user name of Josip M) to lure girls into sending provocative photos to the group’s Inbox.

Facebook can shut down a page after receiving complaints from other people on the social network.

But, although some angry parents of the girls have reported the new page to Facebook, the company notified them that the new group ‘does not violate the rules’.

Enver Cicak, an IT professional specializing in computer security, warns that governments will have to resolve the problem, as only they can decide that specific material that appears on the Internet cannot be published in the country.

“It is difficult to control content on the internet in general but this phenomenon can be controlled,” Cicak said.

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