EU to provide 180 million euro aid for Syrian refugees

imgThe European Commission Thursday adopted a package worth 180 million euro to deal with the effects of the Syrian crisis in the country itself, as well as in Lebanon and Jordan, who are currently hosting around 1.1 million and 630,000 refugees respectively.

This package deals in particular with the education of children and young adults and the longer-term development needs of the refugees and internally displaced persons, said the EU’s executive body in a statement.

Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative, commented that “today, the EU cannot simply watch the suffering of Syrian people without acting. We are ready and willing to bring a continued support to the people of Syria and to the neighbouring countries hosting Syrian refugees. It is time for things to change. We are determined to play our role to the full and bring a lasting political solution to this regional crisis.” On his part, EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy, Johannes Hahn stated, “the EU stands by the Syrian people who need all the help they can get in this terrible crisis, as well as the Lebanese and Jordanian people who are under huge pressure in hosting such a high number of refugees.” “With these funds, 2.5 million children in the region will be given a chance to receive education and to prepare themselves for the time when peace is restored and their skills will be needed to rebuild Syria.

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