Obama to start visit to India on Sunday

imgUS President Barack Obama will travel to India on Sunday for three days with First Lady Michelle Obama.
“U.S. cooperation with India can significantly advance our interests in terms of promoting economic ties and increased exports to a growing market,” said Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes in a conference call Wednesday night.
Since Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s win in the last Indian election, Obama has “made clear his interest in expanding U.S.-India relations,” asserted Rhodes.
Upon arrival, the President will attend a welcome ceremony at the Indian Presidential Palace. The two leaders will then hold a bilateral meeting in which the are expecting to discuss topics such as clean energy, trade and investment, security cooperation, and other global issues. The day will end with a state dinner.
The next day is India’s Republic Day in which the Obamas will attend traditional events with Mohdi in what Rhodes described as, “a hugely symbolic thing for the president of the United States, for the first time to be there, standing next to India’s leadership in recognition of this leading national holiday for the Indian people.” That evening the leaders will meet with and address a large summit of American and Indian business leaders.
On the last day, Obama will deliver a speech to the Indian people on the future of the US-Indian relationship. The President and First Lady will then visit the Taj Mahal before departing back to the US.

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