UN strongly condemns Tripoli attack

The United Nations Secretary-General has condemned today, in the strongest terms, the attack that took place at the Corinthia Hotel, in Tripoli yesterday.
“Terrorism has no place in the new Libya and will not undermine the ongoing political dialogue which the United Nations is facilitating,” the Secretary-General’s spokesperson said in a statement released today, in which he also expressed his condolences to the families of those who lost their lives.
The UN chief also commended the courage of the Libyan actors who are participating in the dialogue to find a peaceful and negotiated solution to the crisis.
Yesterday, the UN Security Council also condemned the attack and reaffirmed full support for Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Bernardino León, and urged all the parties in Libya to engage constructively with his efforts to resume an inclusive political process aimed at addressing the political and security challenges facing the country.

The Council’s call for constructive engagement comes as participants in the Libyan dialogue facilitated by the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), which Mr. León heads, concluded two days of discussions held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

According to a press statement from UNSMIL, the discussions were conducted in a positive atmosphere reflecting the sense of national responsibility and a sincere determination to find solutions to end the political and military conflict buffeting their country.

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