Egypt court to issue verdict for Mubarak embezzlement charges

imgThe Cairo Criminal Court will issue its verdict on former President Hosni Mubarak and his two sons over embezzlement charges on May 9, it announced at the trial’s second session on Wednesday.
In May 2014, a Cairo court sentenced Mubarak to three years in prison for seizing over 125 million Egyptian pounds allocated to presidential palaces. His two sons, Alaa and Gamal Mubarak, were
sentenced to four years in prison for aiding their father in embezzling the sum of money.
The sentences were dropped by the Court of Cassation in January, after ordering a retrial in the case.
Held in custody since April 2011, Mubarak’s two sons were released on January 26, after spending maximum time in preventative detention. They are still being tried for manipulating the stock market, yet from outside prison.
Meanwhile Mubarak resides in a military hospital, where he is being treated.
The Cairo Criminal Court dropped last November corruption charges against Mubarak and his two sons due to the expiry of the statute of limitations in this case.

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