Algerian FM Out indicates that terrorist groups to counter Mali Peace Pact

Algerian Minister of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ramtane Lamamra says terrorist groups and their allies “will do everything they can to thwart the implementation of the peace agreement in Mali, which starts at yield results.
“Clearly, there are challenges – a criminal economy emerged in northern Mali, whose supporters and allies of terrorist groups will do everything so that the agreement is not implemented,” said Lamamra in an interview with the French newspaper Le Monde.
The Minister expressed his satisfaction that the parties signed the agreement in northern Mali have reached an agreement, which is a “major achievement”.
“The fact that the signatories of northern Mali who were in open confrontation reached agreement is a major achievement. It creates an atmosphere conducive to the implementation of the Algiers agreement, “he said.
He stressed that the conference held in Paris on Tuesday and the State visit paid by the Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta in France “shows that the agreement begins to show results.”
In response to a question about the Arab revolutions “,” Lamamra said that there is a need for deep reforms in several Arab societies, while admitting that “it is an acceptable part.”
Citing the example of Libya, he stressed that “the way the situation was handled in Libya (in 2011) by the international community, when the old regime was shot, has not encouraged the efforts of those including the African Union, which has worked to promote a peaceful and inclusive transition. “

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