Tunisia, Algeria denies military intervention in Libya

Tunisian Foreign Minister Khemaies Jhinaoui and his Algerian counterpart Ramtane Lamamra reaffirmed the rejection of foreign military intervention in Libya.
They called for accelerating the composition of a unity government in Tripoli to complete the establishment of the Libyan institutions.
During a meeting in Algiers, the two ministers underlined the convergence of views on the importance of the Libyan factions to prevail dialogue and consensus and to end violence to restore peace and stability of the country and preserve its land unit.
The conference is part of a working visit paid by Khemaies Jhinaoui, on February 13-14 in Algeria at the invitation of his Algerian counterpart.
Jhinaoui returned to his counterpart a written message from President Beji Caid Essebsi to Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika.
An expanded working meeting was held with the participation of delegations of both countries. Bilateral relations and ways of developing them has been the focus of discussion.
The participants reviewed the achievements accomplished in Tunisia since the holding, last October, the Joint Committee 20 high.
A statement from the Tunisian Embassy in Algiers, the two sides expressed their satisfaction regarding the privileged level reached by the relations between the two countries in the service of the two brotherly peoples.
The two ministers reaffirmed the common will to hoist these relations to strategic partnership level. Besides, Jhinaoui stressed the need to further strengthen coordination relations, consultation and cooperation between Tunisia and Algeria, particularly in the economic and border development.

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