Ivory Coast: 10 killed in the mutiny in Abidjan Saturday in a jail

The balance of the mutiny that broke out Saturday at the House of Detention and Correction of Abidjan (Maca), the main prison in Ivory Coast rose to ten people including a prison guard, announced Monday at the AFP the prosecutor Aly Yeo.
“The updated balance sheet is as follows: the part of prison officers, we deplore dead and eight wounded. As for the detainees, there were 13 wounded and nine dead, including the leader, Yacouba Coulibaly alias Yacou the Chinese, “said Mr Yeo, General Prosecutor of the Abidjan appeal court.
The previous review reported two dead including a prison guard.
On Saturday, “clashes” erupted between prison officers, supported by police and detainees “headed by Yacouba Coulibaly alias Yacou the Chinese, who wore a hand like AK 47 weapon and another in shoulder, “he said.
According to Yeo, the incident was caused by an “ex-convict who was trying to smuggle drugs into the institution.”
The latter, apprehended and brought to Maca has “stirred up his cellmates, already prepared for a counterattack against the measures taken a few days earlier to end certain practices that were current at the Maca”.
An investigation was opened to “determine the exact circumstances of these events and determine responsibility.”
Five Kalashnikovs were seized from “the inner circle” of “Yacou the Chinese,” a kingpin Maca, originally, just a few years, several attempts of escapes and mutinies, has affirmed its beside a police official who requested anonymity.
He was serving a heavy sentence there since 2012 for “murder and murder.” In 2015, he caused a sensation by celebrating with banknotes blows his birthday in jail.

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