UN Security Council to meet Tuesday on Western Sahara at AU's request

The United Nations Security Council will receive the Special Envoy of the African Union Commission’s Chairperson for Western Sahara, Joakim Alberto Chissano, to discuss the recent developments in the occupied Sahrawi territories.
The meeting, which will be held at the request of the AU Peace and Security Council, will be devoted to the examination of the status quo prevailing in Western Sahara.
It will be an opportunity for Alberto Chissano, former president of Mozambique, to inform the members of the Security Council of his efforts as AU envoy for the resolution of the Western Sahara conflict.
The meeting aims at promoting transparency in the discussion on the Sahrawi conflict and deepening debate on the maintenance of peace and security in Africa, especially in Western Sahara.
The briefing will be held Tuesday afternoon despite the pressures exerted by France, Egypt and Senegal on Angola to make it refuse the request of the AU Peace and Security Council, Polisario Front’s representative to the UN Ahmed Boukhari told APS.
Boukhari said to be satisfied with AU’s commitment for the Sahrawi issue and its consistent position on the decolonization of Western Sahara.

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