Algeria: 15 terrorists arrested or killed by Army in March

Eleven (11) terrorists were eliminated, four others were arrested and one surrendered in March during various counterterrorism and border security-related operations carried out by the People’s National Army (ANP).
Following these operations, the Army discovered a body of one terrorist, arrested 22 individuals supporting terrorist groups and destroyed 42 shelters for terrorists.
A large quantity of weapons and ammunitions was seized during the same period, including one 14.5 mm submachine gun, 1 FMPK submachine gun, 59 Kalashnikov machine-guns, 1 RPG7 rocket launcher, 1 Simonov rifle, 4 automatic pistols, 3 shotguns, 8 RPG2 rockets, 2 RPG7 rockets, 78 cartridge clips and 3,523 magazines of various calibres.
Besides, the Army discovered 10.4 quintals of chemical products for explosives manufacturing and 150 litres of nitric acid, and destroyed 27 grenades, 9 smoke bombs, 10 homemade bombs and 2 homemade canons.

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