Middle east events and news

EXCLUSIVE: Al-Qaeda In The Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) Leader Condemns Infighting Between Jihadi Groups In Syria, Says It Will Lead To Distrust In Jihad
On March 27, 2018, Al-Andalus, the media arm of Al-Qaeda In The Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), released an audio recording in which the group’s leader Abu Mus’ab Abd Al-Wadoud condemned the infighting between jihadi groups in Syria, saying it is harming jihad and damaging to Islam.
EXCLUSIVE: Telegram Channel With Turkish WhatsApp Number Fundraises For Jihadis In Syria In English, German, And Arabic
A Telegram channel says it is “giving aid to those in need.” The channel lists a WhatsApp number with a Turkish country code for donations to fighters in Syria.
EXCLUSIVE: French ISIS Media Operatives Urge Supporters To Emulate The Latest Attacker In The South Of France
On March 23, 2018, the Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility for a terror attack perpetrated earlier that day in Trèbes, France, in which four people were killed. ISIS supporters responded by immediately celebrating the news of the attack. The organization’s media operatives often use such opportunities to increase calls to its supporters to emulate attacks. (by memri org).

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