France considers exporting SCALP cruise missile to Egypt

imgFrance is determined to export its SCALP cruise missile to Egypt, despite the US blocking the sale of essential components.
French Defense Minister Florence Parly said during a recent press conference that “in this case, we will not be able to lift the US opposition to the sale of SCALP missiles [to Egypt]. The only thing we can do is for MBDA to make some investment in research and development to be able to manufacture similar components that are not covered by ITAR.”
The SCALP is a long-range, air-launched, stand-off attack missile designed and developed by France-based MBDA Systems. The missile is capable of engaging the targets precisely in any weather conditions during day and night. The long range and low attitude combined with subsonic speed make the Storm Shadow quite stealthy.
The French government is convinced that it can build the missiles with a reasonable delay. The International Trade in Arms Regulation (ITAR) agreement may also affect Egypt’s purchase of 12 additional Rafale jets from France.
According to reports, the Egyptian government will not sign for the new aircraft unless the SCALP missiles are included.

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