Yearly Archives: 2019

Iran warns Europe it 'will take next step' to enrich uranium to weapons-grade level if new deal isn't reached

Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani warned European nations Wednesday that Tehran will “take the next step” in increasing its uranium enrichment closer to weapons-grade levels this coming Sunday if they do not offer a new deal by then, adding that they will increase it to “any amount that we want”.

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State Department designates Hizballah operative, Baloch separatist group

The State Department announced yesterday that it has added a Hizballah operative and a Baloch separatist group to the US government’s list of specially designated global terrorists. In addition, State amended the terrorist designation for Jundallah to include Jaysh al-Adl as one of the group’s aliases.

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Foreign minister: Iran's enriched uranium stocks exceed 300kg

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the country has increased the level of its low-enriched uranium production to over 300 kilograms as had been already announced by the country in line with paragraphs 26 and 36 of a 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, officially known as the Joint …

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Germany: Some Hate Speech 'More Equal than Others'

Although the “military arm” of Hezbollah is prohibited in the EU, the “political arm” is not, which means that in Germany, Hezbollah is free to engage in “non-military” activities — such as fundraising.

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