Yearly Archives: 2019

Libya FILE – 1

Haftar’s Libyan National Army gains control of Yarmuk military camp Battle for Tripoli is proceeding according to the operational plan, says LNA LNA declares a no-fly zone over the western Libya GNA vice president resigns French President, GNA Prime Minister discuss Tripoli offensive France of being behind Libya’s Tripoli war, …

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Soudan : les manifestants appellent l’armée à les soutenir

Des milliers de manifestants ont appelé dimanche à Khartoum l’armée soudanaise à les soutenir dans leur opposition au président Omar el-Béchir, au lendemain d’un net regain de la contestation qui secoue le Soudan depuis près de quatre mois.

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Libye : l’appel de l’ONU à une trêve ignoré

De violents combats opposent dimanche 7 avril près de Tripoli en Libye les forces du maréchal Khalifa Haftar, qui veut conquérir la capitale, à ses rivaux du Gouvernement d’union nationale (GNA), les belligérants ignorant l’appel de l’ONU à une « trêve humanitaire ».

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US – Israeli aggression in the Middle East and Beyond

Since he came to office, Donald Trump has taken a very aggressive stand supporting Israel’s Zionist agenda in the Middle East. Early in his term, Trump made a unilateral decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem despite the fact that it was designated by the United Nations in 1948 …

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The media smoothed the path to British soldiers using Corbyn as target practice

It is time to stop believing these infantile narratives the British political and media establishments have crafted for us. Like the one in which they tell us they care deeply about the state of political life, and that they lie awake at night worrying about the threat posed by populism …

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Up for Debate: ISIS detainees

Introduction While ISIS’s territorial caliphate in Iraq and Syria has come to an end, the threat presented by the group and others like it is alive and well. Tens of thousands of ISIS fighters, both foreign and local, as well as their families and children, are now in the hands …

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Invincible no more? Turkey’s Erdogan suffers election defeat

Twenty-five years ago, Turkish Islamists’ march to power began in the country’s capital, Ankara, and its largest city, Istanbul, when the ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) predecessor, the Welfare Party (RP), captured the two municipalities. The loss of these cities in Sunday’s local elections could well mark the beginning …

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