Yearly Archives: 2019

Islamic State Operatives Captured as Afghan Forces Battle Taliban

ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN — Counterterrorism forces have captured 16 operatives of the Islamic State (IS) terror group, including online recruiters, authorities in Afghanistan said Thursday. The operation comes as Taliban insurgents have staged a major assault on a troubled northwestern district, killing at least a dozen Afghan security forces. The Afghan …

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Activists: Iran's Revolutionary Guards Fire on Protesters in Deadly Flood Confrontation

Exiled Iranian opposition activists say Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has fired on protesters who tried to stop it from diverting floodwaters in a southwestern town, resulting in a protester’s death. The activists said the protester died after being shot by IRGC forces in Wednesday’s predawn confrontation in the Dasht-e-Azadegan …

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US-backed Kurdish fighters clash with ISIS days after declaring victory

BEIRUT — U.S.-backed Syrian fighters are battling the Islamic State group in eastern Syria 10 days after declaring victory over the extremists, an official with the Kurdish-led force said Tuesday. Mustafa Bali, a spokesman for the Syrian Democratic Forces, said they are rooting out groups of militants who were hiding …

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Bashar Assad moves to regain full control of war-torn Syria with ISIS all but defeated

With the ISIS caliphate all but defeated and routed out of Syria, strongman Bashar Assad is using all means necessary to re-consolidate control over his war-ravaged country, targeting civilian infrastructure within rebel-held territory. Throughout March, the Assad regime has targeted a school, a bakery, a hospital, and other medical facilities …

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Western Reports Warn of Possible Terrorists' Infiltration From Syria to Lebanon

Lebanon has received alarming reports from Western intelligence agencies and some European embassies in Beirut, warning of the danger of infiltration of terrorists from Syria into Lebanese territory in the coming weeks and months. “Western apparatuses and embassies have built their conclusions on unstable military and security conditions in Syria …

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Somalia: Somali, AU Troops Clash With Al-Shabaab in Southern Somalia

More details are coming out of a heavy gunfight between Somali government forces backed by AU peacekeepers and Al-Shabaab militants erupted in the outskirts of Qoryoley town. The battle broke out following an ambush attack on a military checkpoint near the district by heavily armed Al-Shabaab fighters, according to local …

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Somalia: Somali, AU Troops Clash With Al-Shabaab in Southern Somalia

More details are coming out of a heavy gunfight between Somali government forces backed by AU peacekeepers and Al-Shabaab militants erupted in the outskirts of Qoryoley town. The battle broke out following an ambush attack on a military checkpoint near the district by heavily armed Al-Shabaab fighters, according to local …

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Why ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is likely hiding in Anbar, Iraq

Where is Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi? It’s a question I asked a year ago, and unfortunately we still don’t know the answer for sure. But based on ISIS tradecraft and significant U.S., Syrian rebel, and Iraqi efforts to capture Baghdadi, he is almost certainly playing a very limited …

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Israeli intelligence allegedly shared the new information with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who warned Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri of the secret facility on his state visit in March. Hezbollah has built a new missile factory in Beirut with the help of Iran, a Channel 13 report revealed …

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Eastern Libyan forces ordered to move west to fight militants

A video released by the LNA showed a convoy of armored vehicles and pickup trucks mounted with heavy guns on the road BENGHAZI: Forces loyal to eastern Libyan commander Khalifa Haftar have been ordered to move to western Libya to fight militants, their media office said on Wednesday. The deployment …

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