Yearly Archives: 2019

Putin to Join the Mullahs' Deception Club

“Talk to Iran!” This is the advice some Western politicians have bandied around since 1979, when the mullahs seized power in Tehran. The 40th anniversary of the Khomeinist regime has provided fresh opportunity for that slogan to be promoted again in the European Union and the United States.

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Trump Denies Reversal of Syria Troop Decision

U.S. President Donald Trump said Friday that his decision to leave a small number of U.S. troops in Syria did not constitute a reversal of his plan to withdraw all troops from the country. “I am not reversing course,” Trump told reporters at the White House.

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Dugin Vs Surkov: Putinism Won't Last Forever; Putin Is Only A Compromise Between The Elites And The People

Anti-liberal Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin strongly criticized Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov’s highly controversial article, titled “Putin’s Long State” that appeared in Nezavisimaya Gazeta on February 11, 2019.[1]The criticism is striking, because Surkov’s espousal of an authentic Russian model that is superior to the West should have ostensibly pleased Dugin.

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How many IS foreign fighters are left in Iraq and Syria?

Tens of thousands of foreign nationals have travelled to Syria and neighbouring Iraq to fight for the Islamic State (IS) group. With the end of the IS territorial “caliphate” imminent, the US has led calls to repatriate the hundreds of men women and children who have been detained on the …

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Islamic State nears defeat in last Syrian enclave

Islamic State looked close to defeat in its last enclave in eastern Syria on Wednesday as civilians poured out and the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said the remaining jihadists wanted to fight to the death. More than 2,000 civilians left the village of Baghouz in a convoy of dozens …

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Turkey: Uniting an "Army of Islam" to Defeat Just One Country

Istanbul recently hosted the second “International Islamic Union Congress,” sponsored mainly by the Strategic Research Center for Defenders of Justice (ASSAM), which is headed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s chief military advisor, Adnan Tanriverdi, a retired lieutenant general and an Islamist.

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