Yearly Archives: 2019

World must do more to tackle 'shadowy' mercenary activities undermining stability in Africa, says UN chief

With mercenaries undermining global peace and security and weakening States’ capacities to protect their people, the UN Security Council on Monday shone its spotlight on their activities as a source of destabilization in Africa.

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Lavrov: Russia to React to US Exit From INF Treaty by Military-Technical Means

When reacting to the US announcement on Washington suspending its obligations under the INF Treaty, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday that Moscow’s proposals remain on the table. Moscow issued a “mirror” response to the US move by suspending its own observance of the treaty.

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Islamic State Resurgence Expected Within Months

Even as U.S.-backed forces close in on the very last pockets of the Islamic State’s self-declared caliphate in Syria, the terror group is unfazed, instead preparing to declare victory and retake territory.

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Trump Says Wants To Keep U.S. Base In Iraq To 'Watch Iran'

President Donald Trump made clear in a television interview that he wants to reduce U.S. military engagement in Syria and Afghanistan, but said he was willing to keep a U.S. military base in Iraq so that Washington can keep a close eye on Iran.

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"We will wait until our partners are ripe for dialogue": Russia suspends participation in the INF Treaty in response to US actions

Russia suspends participation in the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (INF) following a similar step by the United States. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The head of state stressed that all attempts to reach an agreement with Washington were not crowned with success, …

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Russia Joins US, Will Suspend INF Nuclear Treaty

The United States and Russia are making tit-for-tat moves with their participation in a nuclear treaty, something politicians and analysts see as a burgeoning arms race. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced Saturday that Russia is suspending its participation in the Cold War-era Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. The Russian move follows …

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Trump Takes Aim at Intelligence Chiefs Via Tweet-Storm

U.S. President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Wednesday, appearing to reignite his long-standing feud with the country’s intelligence agencies by belittling their assessments on Islamic State, North Korea and Iran. In a series of posts, Trump claimed responsibility for key improvements while calling out his intelligence chiefs for being …

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Why Tehran Crosses Only 'Pink Lines'

Talk to any senior European Union official and you are sure to hear the Islamic Republic in Iran designated as “a threat to regional stability.” German Chancellor Angela Merkel endorses Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu’s assessment of Iranian behavior as “unacceptable.”

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