Turkey’s intervention in Libyan conflict | Over 1,200 mercenaries return to Syria in ten days

Reliable SOHR sources have confirmed that the Turkish government has cut the salaries of mercenaries of the Turkish-backed factions who desire to continue fighting in Libya. According to the Turkish government’s decision, which comes in the wake of the Libyan-Libyan consensus, the recruited mercenaries will receive 600 USD per month each, after they were getting paid a monthly salary of estimated 2,000 USD each.

On the other hand, SOHR sources reported that a new batch of Turkish-backed mercenaries have returned from Libya to Syria, after completing the duration of their contracts, bringing the total number of returnees in the past ten days to more than 1,200.

According to SOHR statistics, the number of recruits who arrived in Libya rose to nearly 18,000 Syrian mercenaries, including 350 children under the age of 18, of whom 7,100 returned to Syria after completing the duration of their contracts and receiving their financial dues. Meanwhile, Turkey has been recruiting more mercenaries, bringing them to Turkish territory to undergo military training.

It is worth noting that the number of jihadists who were transported from Syria to Libya reached 10,000, of whom there were 2,500 Tunisians.

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