King of Bahrain, Russian FM Discuss Ukraine

Bahrain’s King Sheikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa received in Manama on Monday Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Talks focused on the latest regional and international developments, most notably the situation in Ukraine.

King Hamad stressed to his guest the importance of resolving the conflict in Ukraine in a way that achieves the interests of Kyiv and Moscow and the security and stability of Europe and the world.

He underscored the need for dialogue and diplomatic solutions in line with international laws to reach a political settlement that can end the conflict, achieve peace for all sides and protect lives.

He also stressed the importance of delivering humanitarian aid to refugees and the displaced.

King Hamad highlighted the bonds of friendship between Bahrain and Russia and his keenness on bolstering them to achieve the joint interests of their countries.

Lavrov had arrived in Bahrain on Monday on a regional tour that will take him to Saudi Arabia and Oman.

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