“American Occupation” Continues its Military Mobilization in Conoco Fields and al-Omar in Countryside of Deir-ez-Zor

The U.S. military presence in the northern countryside of the Deir-ez-Zor governorate continues to strengthen, according to al-Watan.

The U.S. military presence in the northern countryside of the Deir-ez-Zor governorate continues to strengthen as they have alerted the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and their affiliated militias to be prepared for potential attacks in the area. Additionally, they have urged the militias near the illegal al-Tanf base to remain vigilant against any possible threats. Concurrently, there has been a notable movement of people from the city of al-Mayadeen in the eastern countryside towards the capital, Damascus, due to concerns over a potential military clash between the Syrian Arab Army and the forces of the International Coalition, led by Washington, which claims to be combating ISIS in Syria.

According to reports from sources cited on the al-Mayadeen Net website, the U.S. occupation forces have introduced military reinforcements to the northern countryside of Deir-ez-Zor, which include the al-Sanadid and Rebel Army militias stationed at the Conoco gas and oil fields bases.

The sources stated, “The United States of America has deployed defensive military reinforcements near the Conoco and al-Omar bases in Deir-ez-Zor’s countryside.” Furthermore, Washington has instructed the SDF militias associated with them to be prepared for potential attacks originating from the western bank of the Euphrates River. The Free Syrian Army militias stationed in the al-Tanf area, which is currently occupied by U.S. forces and referred to as the 55 km area at the Syrian-Jordanian-Iraqi border triangle in southeastern Syria, have also been urged to remain cautious against any potential attacks in the region.

At the start of last week, reports emerged of a troop rotation within the Syrian Arab Army forces stationed in the eastern countryside of Deir-ez-Zor, specifically along the contact lines separating the areas controlled by the SDF and the U.S. occupation in the governorate. These developments occurred amid escalating tensions between Russian forces and the U.S. occupation in eastern Syria.

Al-Mayadeen Net also reported an increased state of alertness among SDF militias along the contact lines that link their controlled territories with the army-controlled areas along the banks of the Euphrates River in the northern and eastern countryside of Deir-ez-Zor.

According to the sources, this alertness followed the withdrawal of all checkpoints of the so-called Deir-ez-Zor Military Council by the SDF militias in the region. They were subsequently replaced by barriers manned by the Asayish forces, the security arm of the SDF.

On the previous Monday, as mobilizations continued on the contact lines in the eastern countryside of Deir-ez-Zor by both the army and its allies on one side, and the U.S. occupation and SDF militias on the other, a prominent tribal source in Deir-ez-Zor stated in an interview with Al-Watan that the objective of the occupation and the SDF was to regain control and influence in the area. This move was prompted by their diminished authority in the region, which has led to internal discord between them and the so-called Deir-ez-Zor Military Council militias.

Meanwhile, the displacement of people from the city of al-Mayadeen in the eastern countryside of Deir-ez-Zor towards the capital, Damascus, continued unabated due to fears of a potential military clash between the friendly and allied forces of the Syrian Arab Army and the international coalition in the region. Opposition media sources reported these concerns on Saturday. The situation was exacerbated by circulating information about the international coalition’s intention to launch a military operation in the areas controlled by the friendly and allied forces of the Syrian army in Deir-ez-Zor and its countryside. These reports have instilled grave apprehension among the local population, prompting them to flee to other areas within Syria, as per the sources.

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