Bojan Dimitrijevic: It would be a major defeat for Serbia if Kosovo joined the UN

Acceptance of the Franco-German proposal for an agreement with Kosovo is a reality that will eventually be surrender, given the context of the negotiations, historian Bojan Dimitrijevic said in an interview with FoNet’s Cosine series.

Dimitrijevic believes that the best way to solve the Kosovo problem is a long-term dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, “better than any war”, but we should not exclude an international conference, which should include a broader solution, for example, for Republika Srpska, “which is not possible at the moment”.

He said he advocates maintaining the frozen conflict, but in circumstances where Serbia defines Kosovo as occupied territory.

If Kosovo is a ticket to the European Union, then not the EU, Dimitrijevic said.

As he pointed out, Kosovo’s membership in the UN is something that Serbia cannot influence, but it would be a great defeat for it, if that were to happen.

Dimitrijevic assessed that the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo would be good in this situation, so that Serbs from the north of Kosovo would have certain rights and connection societies with Serbia, but he believes that it would, at the same time, be “a recognition that Kosovo is a separate state from Serbia.”

When asked about the idea of holding a referendum in Serbia on Kosovo, he stressed that Kosovo is not a question for a referendum.

The issue of Kosovo binds the essence of the Serbian national being, so it should not be checked in a referendum, Dimitrijevic explained.

He also said that a war or conflict of greater or lesser intensity with Kosovo is possible, “given the development s situation in the region and at the global level”.

All the security strategies of this country in the past 20 years estimate that the south of Serbia and Kosovo are neuralgic points for the security of the state and that conflict is possible, and I agree with that, Dimitrijevic concluded.

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