How the pro-European opposition reacted to armed conflicts in Banjska

In the first reactions to the armed conflicts since Sunday morning in Banjska , Kosovo, the pro-European opposition expressed condolences for the dead, sharply criticized the policy of the President of Serbia as unsuccessful because it turned the Serbs into hostages, and demanded a new approach to the region.

Due to the incompetence of Vučić, Vulin, Vučević and other incompetent SNS cadres, as well as cooperation with criminals who became the richest people in Serbia while “defending” the Serbian people in Kosovo, the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija were left at the mercy of the insane Kurti regime who exercises open terror over them. That is why, with expressions of deep sorrow, we strongly condemn any violence against people who are hostages of the irresponsible decisions of politicians in the first place, according to the announcement of the Party of Freedom and Justice.

“Four years ago we adopted the Declaration on the Reconciliation of the Serbian and Albanian Peoples, with this aim we proposed defining a joint platform of all relevant social actors for negotiations with Pristina a year ago in the Serbian Parliament.

The authorities ignored and ridiculed our proposals, and the international community continued the practice of secret and public negotiations, talks and agreements that are dead letters. Black flags on houses, crying children, fear of mothers and daily departures of Serbs from their homes are the product of such a dialogue. It is high time to change the approach to the problem, which has turned from a frozen state into an open conflict and threatens to threaten peace in the entire region,” the SSP said in a statement.

It will be difficult for Vučić to explain that he is not connected to the attack

  • Kosovo Prime Minister Aljbin Kurti and Russia benefit from the conflict in Kosovo, said Bojan Pajtić, a professor at the Faculty of Law in Novi Sad, who is also the former Prime Minister of Vojvodina for several terms, and the leader of the DS.

He told TV N1 that Kurti has so far shown complete inflexibility and a populist streak that went to extremes.

Pajtić pointed out that because of the conflict on Sunday, Kurti, as someone completely inflexible, became a victim of an armed attack by the Serbian side in the eyes of the international community.

He said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić “will find it difficult to explain that he has nothing to do with the attack”.

Pajtic said that among the international actors, only Russia is responsible for another hot spot in Europe, as well as the hot spot in Nagorno Karabakh, but he emphasized that he does not claim that Russia encouraged or supported the conflict on Sunday.

Srđan Milivojević, member of the DS, published on the Iks network, a comment along with the transmitted announcement of the Diocese of Raško-Prizren.

“The situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija is more dramatic than it seems. “Aleksandar Vučić pretends that Banjska is in Ukraine,” wrote Milivojević.

Zelenović and ZLF also offered platforms

On the same platform, Neboša Zelenović, MP Zajedno, announced his plan for Kosovo, which includes holding an international conference.

“Empty passwords are one thing and solutions are another story! The Zajedno party has been making proposals for solving the crisis in Kosovo and the entire region for two years now. We need lasting peace. Hold an international conference on the Western Balkans where all open issues will be resolved simultaneously. Adhere to two principles: no change of borders and everyone together in the EU”.

Regarding Kosovo specifically: A – strong autonomy for the Union of Serbian Municipalities in Kosovo, B- demilitarization of Kosovo, V- protection of public and private property, G- autonomy for churches and monasteries, D- no unification of Kosovo and Albania without the consent of the ZSO and Serbia”, suggests Zelenović.

Proposal of the Green-Left Front

The Green-Left Front (We are not drowning Belgrade) also reacted, with a comprehensive statement calling for a thorough investigation and making proposals for resolving the crisis, stressing that responsibility and restraint are needed in solving the crisis, and that peace has no alternative.

ZLF calls on the Government of Kosovo to urgently publish the draft statute of the Union of Serbian Municipalities, and to consider the establishment of temporary self-government bodies that will prepare free and democratic elections and the establishment of legitimate local government in Serbian areas in the north of Kosovo.

We also call for a renewed agreement on the functioning of supranational regional organizations that would effectively protect and monitor the implementation of regional agreements and prepare the region for admission to the European Union in 2030, the ZLF statement added.

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