Why do Palestinians not deserve support for their self-defence?

Israeli occupation forces raid Palestinian cities, villages and refugee camps in the occupied West Bank almost every day. They storm Palestinian homes, detain whoever they want and most times kill Palestinians, including women, children and elderly.

As the whole world watches, the Israeli occupation authorities claim that they target wanted people and demolish homes of terrorists. Then, you all great powers in the West and members of the international community support them and their “right to defend themselves.”

On Saturday morning, Al Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, launched a similar attack, but against Israeli Jewish settlements in order to deter the terrorist Israeli occupation forces and extremist authorities.

This came after 17 years of continuous crippling siege that paralysed almost every aspect of life in the coastal enclave. Hamas, which won one of the most transparent elections in history and has been ruling Gaza since mid-2007, has used all means to end the Israeli siege. It appealed to the international community and the UN and all great powers to put pressure on Israel in order to end its siege, but nothing happened.

In addition to this, Hamas has been warning Israel to stop its violations against the Palestinians in the occupied territories, Palestinian worshippers in Al Aqsa Mosque and stop desecration of Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, but nothing happened. Hamas also appealed to the international community in order to force Israel to stop its violations, but all of its appeals and calls end up in deaf ears.

The problem is that the whole world, which has been always sleeping when the Israeli occupation forces raid the Palestinian cities, villages and refugee camps, stood up immediately after the Palestinian resistance raid the illegal Israeli Jewish settlements and declared their support for the Israeli occupation and condemned the Palestinian actions.

Minutes after the start of the incident, Stephanie Hallett, the chargé d’affaires at the US Embassy in Jerusalem wrote X: “Sickened by the images coming out of southern Israel of dead and wounded civilians at the hands of terrorists from Gaza. The United States stands with Israel.” She called the settlers and soldiers, who are accused by Israeli and international rights groups of being war criminals.

US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin said that the Pentagon will work in the coming days “to ensure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself and protect civilians from indiscriminate violence and terrorism.” He added: “Our commitment to Israel’s right to defend itself remains unwavering, and I extend my condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in this abhorrent attack on civilians.”

Britain’s Foreign Secretary James Cleverly wrote on X: “Britain unequivocally condemns the horrific attacks by Hamas on Israeli civilians. The UK will always support Israel’s right to defend itself.” However, he remains silent when it comes to Israeli aggression on Palestinians.

EU Chief Ursula von der Leyen said that she “unequivocally” condemned the “terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel,” adding that it was “terrorism in its most contemptible form…Israel has the right to defend itself against such odious attack.” She called the legitimate Palestinian resistance guaranteed by international laws “terrorism,” while Israeli aggression and violations a form of self-defence.

EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell did the same thing: “This horrific violence must stop immediately. Terrorism and violence solve nothing. The EU expresses its solidarity with Israel in these difficult moments.”

Borrell called for the immediate release of Israeli prisoners. “News of civilians taken as hostages in their homes or to Gaza are appalling,” Borrell writes on X. “This is against international law,” he added, but forgot to ask the Israeli occupation to at least release sick Palestinian prisoners and forgot to say that preventing proper treatmeent for them “appalling” and against international law.

While the European Council President Charles Michel condemned the Palestinian resistance. as “indiscriminate attacks launched against Israel and its people this morning inflicting terror and violence against innocent citizens.” She called settlers soldiers as “innocent,” while about 200 Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes in Gaza did not move her feelings.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed solidarity with Israel following the Palestinian resistance attack, saying: “Terrifying news is reaching us today from Israel. We are deeply shocked by the rocket fire from Gaza and the escalating violence. Germany condemns these Hamas attacks and stands by Israel’s side.” Does he not feel shocked when he sees the Israeli attacks on the Palestinians?

French President Emmanuel Macron wrote on X: “I condemn the attacks carried out from Gaza on Israel, its soldiers and its people. France stands in solidarity with Israel and the Israelis, committed to their security and their right to defend themselves.” Why did not Macron ask Israel to return at least behind the real Green Line?

He might not be knowing that Israel stole about half of the area of the Gaza Strip in the early 1950s in coordination with Egypt. If he does not know this, he should not speak about international issues until he gets enough knowledge needed by a president of a big country. However, he did not speak to end the conflict, but declared to support for Israel’s criminal war machine.

When will the international community and these powers, which stationed themselves as the policemen of the world, wake up and be able to know the difference between the victim and the victimiser? When will the world leaders start to deal with different parties based on the rules of the international law, not on the rules based on their own prejudices and interests?

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