The US-Backed Color Revolution In Israel Just Reached Crisis Proportions

At all costs, America believes that it must do whatever’s necessary to prevent the Israeli state from exercising its sovereign right under Bibi’s restored leadership to balance between the US-led West’s Golden Billion and the Sino-Russo Entente in the New Cold War instead of decisively take the former’s side against the latter. Most immediately, its “deep state” wants Israel to arm Kiev, which Bibi himself warned earlier this month could abruptly catalyze a crisis with Russia in Syria, thus opening a “second front” in the US’ Eurasian-wide “containment” campaign.

There’s no other way to describe the latest events in Israel other than as a Color Revolution, which refers to the use of weaponized protests to achieve regime tweaking (concessions), regime change (self-explanatory), and/or a regime reboot (far-reaching constitutional reform aimed at weakening the state usually via Bosnian-like identity federalism). These reports here, here, and here compellingly argue that the US is behind this, with the first proving partial State Department funding.

It was already assessed as early as mid-January that “Israeli Protesters Are Functioning As Useful Idiots For A Unipolar Color Revolution”, the analysis of which now be summarized before moving on to explain the reason why everything just reached crisis proportions. In brief, the liberal-globalists that are formulating US foreign policy nowadays despise Netanyahu (commonly known just as “Bibi”) for ideological reasons related to his conservative-sovereigntist worldview.

Amidst the impending trifurcation of International Relations into the US-led West’s Golden Billion, the Sino-Russo Entente, and the informally Indian-led Global South, Bibi envisages Israel multi-aligning between all three de facto New Cold War blocs in order to maximize its strategic autonomy. While the legacy of allied relations with America remains strong, Bibi isn’t going to allow Biden to exploit them so as to force Israel to distance itself from the Sino-Russo Entente just to serve the US’ zero-sum interests.

Moreover, his view of domestic politics is altogether different from the ruling American elites in the sense that he isn’t comfortable allowing liberal-globalist ideas to infiltrate Israeli society, which he fears could ultimately result in its radical revision into something that its founders never intended. It’s irrelevant what the reader’s position is towards Palestine since the subject of this analysis is Israel’s state-level relations with the US-led West’s Golden Billion and the Sino-Russo Entente.

The aforementioned context of these unprecedented tensions between those two at this historic moment in International Relations set the stage for them finally spilling over into a US Hybrid War on Israel over the weekend. American-aligned members of the Israeli elite, including Bibi’s own Defense Minister, decisively turned against him and threw their support behind those Color Revolutionaries who’ve been agitating in increasingly violent ways en masse for him to abandon his judicial reforms.

The incumbent leader knows that he stands little chance of fully implementing the conservative-sovereigntist agenda that returned him to the premiership for the third time if the judiciary remains under the influence of liberal-globalists whose true loyalty lies with the US. This explains Bibi’s refusal to give up the changes that were taken advantage of by partially US-funded professional protesters to serve as the so-called “trigger event” for setting into motion their preplanned unrest.

Prior to his re-election, Israeli society had already proven that it’s become deeply divided over the years between conservative-sovereigntists and liberal-globalists, which created fertile ground for those aforesaid agitational actors to manipulate large segments of the population. There’s no doubt that a critical mass of society supports the latter’s vision and that their resistance to Bibi’s reforms is sincere, but the point is that they’re being weaponized against the state by those professional provocateurs.

Crowd control strategies and tactics are being employed to transform average protesters into tools of Hybrid Warfare that disrupt society, intimidate those members thereof that disagree with their demands, and even tempt elements of the armed forces into dangerously abandoning their duty. To be clear, the last-mentioned observation is shared from the perspective of Israeli state interests in the context of this analysis and shouldn’t be interpreted as a statement against the Palestinian cause.

The cumulative effect of this operation is that Israel has been plunged into its worst-ever political crisis, the roots of which are domestic, but these preexisting ideational differences wouldn’t have reached their presently epic proportions that endanger the Israeli state had it not been for the US’ meddling. The next phase of the US’ Hybrid War on Israel that’s being driven by its ruling liberal-globalists’ desire to sabotage Bibi’s conservative-sovereigntist policies could be the kindling of unconventional warfare.

Once again, no statement is being made about the Palestinian cause, just a prediction that the US’ interests as its permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracy (“deep state”) conceptualizes them as being at this point in time are served by further destabilizing the Israeli state. This so-called “controlled chaos” is intended to facilitate regime tweaking, regime change, and/or a regime reboot, even as far as an IDF-Mossad coup against Bibi and a forced “two-state solution”.

At all costs, America believes that it must do whatever’s necessary to prevent the Israeli state from exercising its sovereign right under Bibi’s restored leadership to balance between the US-led West’s Golden Billion and the Sino-Russo Entente instead of decisively take the former’s side against the latter. Most immediately, its “deep state” wants Israel to arm Kiev, which Bibi himself warned earlier this month could abruptly catalyze a crisis with Russia in Syria.

It’s precisely this outcome that the US wants to have happen because it could open a so-called “second front” in its Eurasian-wide “containment’ campaign against Russia after the most recent efforts to do so in Georgia and Moldova have thus far failed. Furthermore, a major crisis in West Asia could impede the region’s accelerated rise as an independent pole of influence in the emerging Multipolar World Order, the scenario of which became viable after the Chinese-mediated Iranian-Saudi rapprochement.

That aforementioned development coupled with Bibi’s envisaged multi-alignment between the US-led West’s Golden Billion and the Sino-Russo Entente could lead to the near-total loss of American influence over West Asia, especially if Israel starts de-dollarizing its trade like Saudi Arabia is soon expected to do. Simply put, the entire region’s future role in the ongoing global systemic transition is at stake, thus explaining the grand strategic significance of Israel’s US-exacerbated crisis.

The socio-political (soft security) dynamics aren’t in Bibi’s favor, which could lead to him either backing down or being overthrown, with either of those outcomes raising the chances that Israel submits to being the US’ New Cold War vassal instead of continuing its trajectory as an independent player. If the military (hard security) dynamics become more difficult such as in the event of a tacitly US-approved Intifada, then his removal could be a fait accompli unless he succeeds in imposing a military dictatorship.

So as not to be misunderstood, the preceding scenario doesn’t imply that the Palestinian cause is illegitimate, but just that it can be exploited by the US like all others in advance of its larger interests. In any case, the situation is extremely combustible and it’s difficult to predict what’ll happen next. Nothing like this has ever happened before in Israel, neither domestically nor in terms of its ties with the US. This is literally unprecedented, especially in terms of its impact on International Relations as explained.

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