Why America and China Will Be Enduring Rivals With U.S.-Chinese relations worse than they have been in over 50 years, an old fairy tale has resurfaced: if only the United States would talk more to China and accommodate its rise, the two countries could live in peace. The story goes …
Read More »Yearly Archives: 2023
Primary Concern: Trump, Ukraine, And The Republicans’ Foreign Policy Divisions – Analysis
The first Republican 2025 presidential nomination debate is imminent. While domestic argument is dominated by former president Donald Trump’s criminal indictments and culture wars, Europeans are eager to see what the debate reveals about the foreign policy profiles of GOP presidential contenders. The most pressing question for Europeans is how …
Read More »Toward BRICS Currencies In The Post-Dollar Era – Analysis
In the BRICS Summit, a key item in the agenda was the further development of new and complementary reserve currencies and settlement mechanisms. The global economy is slowly moving toward a post-US dollar era. At the end of March, deputy chairman of Russia’s State Duma Alexander Babakov mentioned that the …
Read More »US-Philippines Security Ties – Analysis
One of the most predictable domains for crystal-gazing China’s belligerent state behaviour is the South China Sea (SCS). More so now, as growing Chinese state power and influence coincide with its global aspirations of gaining a competitive edge over the United States (US). The multiple conflicts that China has with …
Read More »Time To Sober Up And Back Off This Conflict With Russia – OpEd
One of my sources close to the front line action is telling me that the foreign fighters joining to fight for Ukraine as mercenaries are still mostly in training for defensive roles. But I am told that increasingly these foreign mercenaries are being incorporated into depleting Ukrainian units with offensive …
Read More »Arrests Of Central Asian Jihadists In Germany And Netherlands Reveals Persistent Islamic State Threat To Europe – Analysis
On July 6, law enforcement in Germany and the Netherlands arrested nine Central Asians on terrorism-related charges. In Germany, five Tajik nationals, one Kyrgyz citizen, and one Turkmenistani citizen were arrested in the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia for allegedly creating and participating in a local terrorist organization and supporting …
Read More »The BRICS Local Currency Agenda Has International Implications – Analysis
The heads of state of Brazil, India, China, and South Africa, and Russia’s foreign minister standing in for Vladimir Putin, are currently gathered for the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg. The fact that the city was home to a late 1800s gold rush may resonate with history if this year’s meeting …
Read More »Le ministre iranien de la Sécurité assure que son pays détient des agents à la solde de la France, la Suède et la Grande Bretagne
Le ministre iranien de la Sécurité a révélé dimanche 20 août que les services de sécurité iraniens de son pays retiennent des espions recrutés par la France, la Suède, la Grande-Bretagne et d’autres pays, soulignant que la confrontation et les récentes arrestations ont contribué à contrecarrer les tentatives de déstabilisation …
Read More »La lutte pour la fin de l’oppression coloniale en Afrique noire «francophone» : Une composante essentielle de la Révolution multipolaire impulsée par la Chine, la Russie et les BRICS
L’impérialisme et le (néo)colonialisme constituent des formes particulières de globalisation incompatibles avec la souveraineté des peuples et la diversité des civilisations. Telle est la leçon que nous pouvons tirer des pressions (diplomatiques, politiques, militaires, économiques, culturelles) que les anciennes puissances colonisatrices européennes continuent d’exercer sur le continent africain, malgré la …
Read More »Les vassaux de Paris reçoivent l’ordre d’attaquer : Bruits de bottes au Sahel
Contrairement aux déclarations des militaires de la CEDEAO selon lesquelles ils n’étaient pas prêts pour une intervention au Niger, et rapportées par le Wall Street Journal, il s’avère que les esclaves africains appartenant à cette organisation ont reçu l’ordre des maîtres Blancs d’activer leur armée et de passer à l’offensive. …
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