Pour vivre en paix, il faut quitter l’UE et l’OTAN au plus vite ! FREXIT

Since the failure (predictable1 ) of the Ukrainian counter-offensive,Western populations are the object of intensive propaganda to prepare them for a war which has no reason to concern France despite what NATO2 , the EU and the media want us to believe.

A little historical reminder
Crimea’s history is closely linked to that of Russia. Saint Vladimir, evangelist of Russia to Eastern Christianity, was baptized in 988 in Crimea (in Chersonese). The ephemeral principality bringing together the territories of Ukraine was also called “Russ of kyiv”.

The Battle of Kalka in May 1223 announced the conquest of Kievan Russ by Batu Khan, grandson of Genghis Kahn from 1237. In five years he razed the majority of the towns and massacred almost all of its inhabitants, sealing the disappearance of Ukraine from the Russian principalities.

From 1768, Catherine II liberated Ukraine and Crimea from the Ottoman Empire and reintegrated them into Russia. In 1783 she built the port of Sevastopol. It was in Crimea that Emperor Alexander II built his Livadia palace around which the Russian aristocracy took their vacations, a habit taken up by the communist apparatchiks after the fall of the Romanovs.

The communist period was marked for Ukraine by the great famine of 1932-1933 which caused the death of at least 4 million inhabitants.3

During the Second World War, Ukrainian nationalist leaders like Bandera and Stetsko declared themselves supporters of the Nazis hoping to obtain independence, but they were sent to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, until 1944 when they were released to fight with Nazi troops against the Soviets. The number of Ukrainian legionnaires, often from Galicia, who took part in military training alongside the Germans (Wehrmacht, SS, police) amounts to 250,0004,5 in battalions of the Ukrainian security police Schutzmannschaft, known as “Chouma”, under the numbers 109, 114, 115, 116, 117, and 118 and the 14th SS Galicia Grenadier Division (first Ukrainian division). They distinguished themselves among others by the massacre of Poles in Volhynia (50,000 to 100,000 victims) and by that of Jews from Kiev at Babi Yar in September 1941 (100,000 to 150,000 victims) in which the 201st Schutzmannschaft battalion, composed of largely nationalist Ukrainians.

Despite their Nazi crimes and indisputable anti-Semitism, Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych are honored for their fight for Ukraine’s independence from the Soviet Union. In 2010 President Viktor Yanukovych signed a decree giving Stepan Bandera the status of “Hero of Ukraine”, statues of him were erected and avenues were named after him. And in Mariupol, Ukrainian soldiers from the Azov regiment wore their symbol of the Nazi era!

In 1954, Nikita Khrushchev detached Crimea from Russia and offered it to his native province, the Socialist Republic of Ukraine, which within the framework of the USSR, then had only symbolic importance.

The dissolution of the USSR in 1991 included in Ukraine the overwhelmingly Russian-speaking populations of Crimea and the eastern provinces. This could have remained an unimportant curiosity of history if the Ukrainian leaders had not initiated a policy of linguistic and administrative cleansing by closing schools that taught in Russian and chasing away Russian-speaking officials, followed by a real armed repression against the populations who did not want to submit, leading to the First Ukrainian War.

In August 2014, after a military defeat at Ilovaisk, Ukraine signed the Minsk I Agreement. Ukraine undertook to provide amnesty to the participants in the conflict, to hold local elections and, in the Constitution, to recognize the region’s de facto autonomy, with in particular linguistic self-determination, the right for local ORDLO authorities to appoint prosecutors and judges, to constitute ” people’s police units “, to have ” cross-border cooperation with districts of the Russian Federation “, all this accompanied by social and economic support from the Ukrainian state.

Russia had to repatriate its equipment and its mercenaries, and recognize the borders of the partition of the USSR.

The approval of the Minsk Agreements by the international community found expression in a UN Security Council resolution on Ukraine. But none of the commitments were respected apart from those of prisoner exchanges.6 . As Ukraine refused to establish a clear timetable for constitutional reform, discussions dragged on, and the war resumed.

And since its independence, Ukraine has asserted itself as one of the least democratic countries and the most corrupt country in Europe, even legalizing the financial remuneration of the womb of its women for the gestation of foreigners. Claiming that it represents our values ​​is therefore very questionable.

The Russia-Ukraine war is a conflict that does not threaten us.

Unless we recklessly interfere to follow NATO and the EU!

In this conflict none of our national or strategic interests are threatened.

During the two world wars, Russia was always a valuable ally whose strategic interest de Gaulle had understood which he had underlined with the sending of the Normandy squadron renamed Normandie-Niemen7 , while Ukraine had chosen the Nazi camp.

During the Georgia-Russia conflict in 2008, French neutrality allowed it to play the role of peace intermediary and facilitate a saving armistice.

Instead of remaining neutral and facilitating peace as we should, we are encouraging Ukrainians to be massacred for a lost cause. Apart from the propagandist media, who can in fact believe that a small country without heavy industry can defeat an industrialized, battle-hardened country with a population three times as large and which has nuclear weapons? Delivering weapons to Ukraine only leads to needlessly prolonging the conflict, shedding blood, ruining EU countries and putting their populations at risk of nuclear holocaust.

And it’s a war that could have been avoided, explains an MEP8 : Brainless Partisans @BPartisans

Mick Wallace, MEP: “ This is a war that could have been avoided. A war that could have been stopped on April 22. But we didn’t want peace, we wanted war. We wanted to start a proxy war led by the United States and NATO to harm Russia .”

Yuriy Lutsenko, former prosecutor general and former head of Ukraine’s Interior Ministry, recently called on the government to tell the truth about the number of victims. According to him, Ukraine is currently losing 30,000 soldiers per month ” We must try to stop this massacre, if you do not care about the Ukrainian working class who are simply thrown into a meat grinder .”

The USA finds in this conflict the means to weaken Russia and Europe
The war in Ukraine was wanted by the Biden administration in order to weaken Russia and bring Ukraine into NATO, while the post-Cold War agreements provided for the preservation of a neutral glacis in immediate contact with the Russia. In the same way that JF Kennedy could not accept Soviet rockets in Cuba, Vladimir Putin cannot admit that Ukraine hosts American military bases on its border; he had said it. The bloody discrimination against Ukrainian Russian speakers provided him with the pretext to intervene militarily.

If the Ukrainians and Russians pay the price of blood, the war constitutes an excellent commercial and political operation for the Americans, at least in the short term. Thanks to European sanctions, American shale gas has replaced Russian natural gas despite its much higher cost, which further handicaps European industry and the purchasing power of EU populations. It has become profitable! Leaders of previously neutral European states now look with envy at NATO. The essentially American arms industry is seeing its orders peak.

The US military lobby is preparing an open war against Russia
In January 2023, NATO deployed elements of its 40,000-strong Joint Response Force spearheaded by a multinational brigade reinforced by air and maritime units and special forces that NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg thus qualified

“ This response is a strengthening of the deterrence posture and the defense of the allies ” and September 28, 2023: “ the hypothesis of a long war in Ukraine is more and more often mentioned by the leaders of the Atlantic alliance who are studying a possible integration of Ukraine into NATO ”, membership was “closer than ever” . Accession which would have the interest for the Americans of precipitating the Europeans into a war against Russia as military allies of Ukraine without asking the opinion of the people!

On January 19, 2024, following the meeting of the chiefs of staff of the member countries of the alliance and Sweden, the chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Rob Bauer told journalists “ civilians must prepare for all-out war with Russia in the next 20 years and prepare for mass constituency .”

On January 18, 2024, during a press conference in Brussels, American General Christopher Cavoli, chairman of the NATO Military Committee, specified “ Some 50 warships, 80 aircraft and 1,100 combat vehicles will take part in this largest “war game” since the 1988 “Reforger” exercise .

“ What has not happened in our societies is the understanding that it is not only the army that must be able to operate in a conflict or a war. The whole of society will get involved, whether we like it or not. ( …) I am not saying that things will be bad tomorrow, but we must understand that it is not obvious that we are at peace and that is why we have plans .” “ Large numbers of civilians will need to be mobilized if war breaks out and governments should put systems in place to manage the process .”

All these declarations and warlike gesticulations show that the United States is accelerating economic, industrial, political and social preparation for conflict with “rival countries” (i.e. China and Russia), it will probably still be necessary several years for the United States and European countries to develop their military-industrial production capacities to the levels necessary to assume a conflict with Russia or China, let alone both at the same time. The military industry will have to come under direct state control to adapt factories to military production. The production of strategic products for the economy will have to be relocated nationally. We are threatened with a radical social transformation marked by greater austerity in the name of war . An essential element of this process is to politically and ideologically subjugate the population.

The hypothesis of a long war in Ukraine is increasingly raised by the leaders of the Atlantic alliance who are studying a possible integration of Ukraine within NATO. Jens Stoltenberg declared on September 28 that accession was “ closer than ever ”. Such accession would de facto make France at war with Russia!

German leaders follow the USA and also push for war
In an interview on 16/12/23, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius urged European defense industries to “ prepare for the possible outbreak of a new war by the end of the decade .”

The German daily Bild revealed a Bundeswehr exercise called “Alliance Defense 2025” which imagines an escalation of the conflict in Ukraine in which NATO would decide (in May 2025!) the transfer of 300,000 soldiers to the eastern borders, including 30,000 soldiers of the Bundeswehr. But the German people have been revolting against Scholz for several weeks. Perhaps the leaders will not do what they want as they have for decades?9

The EU is ruining populations to please the USA
The sanctions imposed by the European Commission resulted in the loss of the tens of billions we had invested in Russia and the markets it offered us. They force us to buy our energy at exorbitant prices, responsible for inflation without recent precedent, the bankruptcy of many small and medium-sized businesses, countless job losses and severe impoverishment of our population. Not to mention that the purchase and transport of American shale gas aggravates the pollution that we claim to combat.

EU sanctions only punish Europeans and seriously weaken our industries, while the Russian economy is spared. In November 2023 Russian GDP was up 5.5% despite inflation and a weak ruble10 , while the German economy recorded a decline in gross domestic product of 0.3%11 . European farmers, already victims of the accumulation of ecological standards and taxes, see their situation becoming desperate under the effect of increasing taxes, energy prices and the opening of our borders to Ukrainian products ( wheat, chickens, etc.) without customs duties or compliance with our health criteria.

The EU’s anti-Russian measures are ruining us, making us co-belligerents and putting us in danger of nuclear war.

Macron plays warlord and thus threatens the security of the French
France’s military aid to Ukraine estimated at 3.2 billion euros ” thirty Caesar cannons, centerpiece of French artillery, light tanks, quantity of anti-tank, anti-aircraft missiles, and even long-range missiles Scalp range… ” while our army lacks weapons and ammunition.

During a joint press conference with his Ukrainian counterpart, the new head of French diplomacy, Stéphane Séjourné, affirmed ” Ukraine is and will remain France’s priority ” , ” It is in Ukraine that the defense of the fundamental principles of international law, the values ​​of Europe, but also the interests and security of the French . ” But how can you be so blind?

During his press conference on Tuesday January 17, 2024, President Emmanuel Macron promised that “ we will continue to help the Ukrainians ”, in particular by equipping them “ in all areas which are essential to them ”, and in particular, “ air strikes”. distance ” . And despite a constrained budget, our taxes will continue to enrich corrupt Ukrainians while we refuse the tax cuts essential to the survival of peasants and sinners on the verge of bankruptcy and suicide.12

In its military programming law n°2023-703 of August 1, 2023, which went unnoticed, it sets out its “ war economy ” approach and its war policy subject to NATO, and to the good wishes of the Council of Ministers or the Prime Minister. minister:

Art. L. 2212-1.-In the event of a threat, current or foreseeable, weighing on activities essential to the life of the Nation…or likely to justify the implementation of the State’s international commitments in matters of defense, the requisition of any person, natural or legal, and of all the goods and services necessary to deal with it may be decided by decree in the Council of Ministers.

“Art. L. 2212-2… the Prime Minister may order, by decree, the requisition of any person, natural or legal, of any goods or services…” He may also authorize the administrative or military authority he designates to proceed to requisitions.

“Art. L. 2212-9.- Failure to comply with the measures legally ordered pursuant to articles L. 2212-1 and L. 2212-2 is punishable by imprisonment of five years and a fine of 500,000 euros. .

Delivering weapons in this distant conflict without any real interest for our nation makes us co-belligerent and leads us into a spiral likely to lead to a field war, or even a nuclear war.

Is this really in France’s interest?

We really have no valid reason to take part in this conflict.

Let’s get out of NATO’s integrated military command, as De Gaulle did on February 21, 196613 with arguments that are still very topical: “Conflicts in which America becomes involved in other parts of the world, …, risk taking, by virtue of the famous escalation, such an extension that it could break out into a general conflagration. In this case, Europe, whose strategy in NATO is that of America, would automatically be involved in the struggle even if it did not want to be.” “Finally, France’s desire to dispose of itself, a desire without which it would soon cease to believe in its own role and to be able to be useful to others, is incompatible with a defense organization in which it finds itself subordinate.”.

“ In total, it is a question of re-establishing a normal situation of sovereignty, in which what is French, in terms of soil, sky, sea and forces, and any foreign element which may be found in France, will no longer be subject to only from the French authorities .

Chirac was clear-sighted in refusing to participate in the second Iraq war into which the USA and NATO wanted to drag us by lying about the existence of weapons of mass destruction. The results of this war were catastrophic: NATO overthrew a secular tyrant to put in his place an Islamist government close to the Iranians and led to the creation of the Islamic state.

But Chirac blindly followed NATO in Afghanistan which needlessly cost us the death of 88 French soldiers and the wounding of 700 others.14 so that the Biden administration ultimately abandons the country to the Taliban.

Let’s get out of NATO’s integrated military command as quickly as possible!

If the EU and NATO want war, let them wage it without France , if the other peoples accept it, which is far from probable, as demonstrated by the increasing anti-war demonstrations in Italy. to Poland15,16 passing through Germany itself17 . Marchers and farmers march together now in every city in Germany, always in the silence of the media.

Here this evening in Memmingen, a city of 43,000 inhabitants, despite the cold. A sign at the top means “Outside NATO and WHO”. You understand why the media under orders don’t talk about it.

It is time to give way to diplomacy as the Italian Minister of Defense reminded us on 10/1/2418 “that it was necessary to consider the military situation realistically. From this pointof view, it would seem that the time has come for incisive diplomacy, alongside military support. In France, voices are being raised in addition to those of Dr F Asselineau, and Floriant Philippot, the grandson of General de Gaulle, wants France to leave NATO and enter the BRICS.19

We want to stay in peace . War is only tolerable when our vital interests (the national territory) are threatened, which is not the case and which is unlikely to happen since De Gaulle gave us access to weapons. nuclear.

Let us refuse to allow our children to be sent to the front to please our allies for conflicts that do not concern us.20

Let us alert our deputies so that they refuse the warlike drift of the president who wages war without ever consulting them.

“ Let’s be very clear: Russia and Putin do not threaten peace in Europe any more than the fake ‘Covid-19’ pandemic threatened the health and lives of healthy people.

It is the violation of all international agreements by the Ukrainian government, with the support of Western governments, which is at the origin of the special operation and the hundreds of thousands of deaths among young Ukrainians used as cannon fodder by Westerners and the politicians in power in kyiv. It’s neither Putin nor Russia.

Those who threaten peace in Europe are the current Western governments in the hands of global Nazi billionaires who above all do not want a hypothetical return of Trump to business .”21

Let’s leave the coalitions that want to generalize the war. Let’s get out of NATO’s integrated military command.

Let’s get out of the EU which is pushing us to war: Frexit!

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