Zionist-Perverted Western Mainstream Media Ignore 186,000 Palestinian Deaths In Apartheid Israeli Gaza Genocide

Readers of about 110 progressive Alternative and Global South media are familiar with the shocking revelation on 5 July 2024 in the top medical journal The Lancet of an estimated 186,000 Gaza deaths from violence and violently-imposed deprivation. This huge news was spread globally at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) but a week after publication only 4 Western Mainstream media have unequivocally reported this horrific estimation.

In stark contrast, while several further Western Mainstream media have equivocally reported and criticized the estimated 186,000 deaths, for the rest there is an appalling silence from Zionist-perverted US media and from Zionist-perverted Western media in general. Morally degenerate, egregiously mendacious, and genocidally racist Apartheid Israeli, and Zionist and pro-Zionist media in general have predictably engaged in fervent genocide denial, holocaust denial and false accusations of “libel”, “blood libel” and “anti-Semitism” in relation to The Lancet report.

Of course those denying the horrific global reality of massive avoidable deaths from war-, occupation- and hegemony-imposed deprivation (an ongoing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust and the basis of The Lancet report) are simply lying. In short, global avoidable deaths from deprivation have totalled 1,500 million since 1950 and in 2020 global avoidable deaths from deprivation totalled 7.4 million with 70% being of under-5 year old infants as variously set out in the 2007 and 2021 editions of my huge book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”[1, 2]. These matters are set out succinctly below.

(A). Avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation, the Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust, and the century-long Palestinian Genocide.

As a Jewish Holocaust-impacted and anti-racist Jewish Australian I was aware as a child of the decimation of my wider family in Hungary by the Nazis and the skeletal concentration camp survivors. As a PhD student in the 1960s I was aware of the horrific carnage of the Vietnam War and demonstrated against it. However my friendship with a Bengali-Bihari Indian woman from a Sunni Muslim family in the British colony of Fiji opened my eyes as a White Australian to the realities of the Global North-dominated Global South. Zareena and I married in 1966, 1 year before a Referendum recognized the genocidally oppressed Indigenous Australians as citizens of Australia (before then they had been “counted” under a Flora and Fauna Act) and 8 years before the abolition of the 1901-1974 White Australia Policy that excluded non-Europeans from Australia.

Zareena was my wife for 52 years and introduced me to Indian culture. In 1995 I saw the movie “Distant Thunder” by brilliant Bengali director Satyajit Ray about the man-made WW2 Bengali Famine that killed 6-7 million Indians and occurred at the same time as the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million killed) [2-4] but which had been erased from public perception by decades of lying British politicians, journalists and historiographers. Because of British and Australian lying my wife and her huge family in Fiji were utterly unaware of this horrific British-imposed Bengali Holocaust atrocity: 6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death in 1942-1945 for strategic reasons in Bengal, Bihar, Assam and Odisha by the British with food-denying Australian complicity [3-6].

In 1998 I published a first edition of my huge book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability” [2]. I have been researching, writing and publishing about avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation for 3 decades and my findings are reported in hundreds of typically lengthy and exhaustively referenced articles [7, 8] and 9 huge books (including several massively revised and updated editions) [1-4, 9-12]. For 3 decades I have been reporting science-informed estimates of “avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation” in Global North-violated Global South countries.

The essential argument is that whether a child dies from imposed deprivation or from bashing, bullets or bombs the death is just as final and the inescapable moral culpability of the perpetrators just the same. Excess deaths (avoidable deaths) for a country in a given period is simply the difference between the actual deaths and deaths expected for a peaceful, decently-run country with the same demographics. Using 1950 onwards UN Population Division data I was able to determine “annual avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation” for every country in the world that totalled 16.0 million in 2003 [1] and 7.4 million in a pre-Covid estimate for 2020 [2]; the corresponding under-5 year old infant deaths totalled 10.6 million (2003) and 5.3 million (2020) [1, 2]. Thus under-5 infant deaths were about 70% of total avoidable deaths, and 99% of these avoidable deaths occurred in non-European countries. About 1,500 million people have died avoidably from deprivation since 1950 (1,050 million of them under-5 year old infants) on Spaceship Earth with the rich and merciless Global North in charge of the flight deck in an ongoing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust [2].

The US Just Foreign Policy organization estimated, based on the data of expert UK ORB analysts and top US medical epidemiologists, 1.5 million violent deaths in the Iraq War (2003-2011). UN Population Division data indicate a further 1.2 million Iraqi avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation in this period. In 2003-2011 Iraqi deaths from violence (1.5 million) and imposed deprivation (1.2 million) totalled 2.7 million. Iraqi deaths from violence (1.7 million) and war-imposed deprivation (2.9 million) in the period 1990-2011 totalled 4.6 million [13]. US deaths totalled 147 (Persian Gulf War, 1990-1991) [14] plus 4,576 (Iraq War, 2003-2011) [14] for a total of 4,723. In 1944 in response to Italian partisans ambushing and killing 30 German invaders, the Nazi Germany dictator Adolph Hitler ordered reprisals involving 10 Italian men and boys executed for every German soldier killed. The order was carried out with over 300 Italian men and boys executed in the Ardeatine Caves Massacre. The Occupied/Occupier Death Ratio in the Iraqi Holocaust was accordingly 4,600,000/ 4,723 = 974 or 97 times greater than the Death Ratio ordered by Nazi mass murderer Hitler.

The 2001-2021 Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide has involved 3.6 million under-5 infant deaths, 5.2 million avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation (most of them children), 1.6 million violent Afghan deaths (based on war-intensity comparisons with the Iraq War) and a total of 6.8 million Afghan deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation [16]. 3,452 US soldiers died in the Afghan War [15]. The Occupied/Occupier Death Ratio for the 2001-2021 Afghan War is accordingly 6,800,000/ 3,452 = 1,970 or about 200 times greater than the 10 advocated by Nazi mass murderer Adolph Hitler.

The same careful accounting can be applied to other atrocities. Thus before 7 October 2023 avoidable Indigenous Palestinian deaths from British- and thence Apartheid Israel-imposed deprivation totalled about 2 million [17] and violent deaths totalled about 31,000 [18] (one notes however that 10 percent of the adult males were killed, wounded, or detained by the end of the 1936-1939 Arab Revolt) [19]. Deaths in the Gaza Massacre (including 10,000 buried under rubble) as of Day 250 totalled 45,000 [20]. The Lancet report estimated at least 186,000 Palestinian deaths in Gaza due to violently-imposed and life-threatening siege and acute deprivation from Jewish Israeli-imposed deadly lack of water, food, shelter, medicine and medical care [21]. Ignoring the likelihood that most of the Israelis killed on 7 October 2023 were actually killed by the horrific firepower of the responding IDF, the Occupied/Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio in the Gaza Massacre has been 186,000/1,200 = 155, 15.5 times greater than the Death Ratio of 10 advocated by Hitler. The century-long Palestinian Genocide has been associated with 2.3 million Palestinian deaths from violence and violently-imposed deprivation, this being of the same order of magnitude as such deaths in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million) [22-24]). Nazi is as Nazi does. Terrorism is as terrorism does.

(B). Genocidally racist and egregiously mendacious Zionism grossly violates Kindness and Truth, the core ethos of Humanity.

The Zionist-perverted West, led by Zionist-perverted, fervently pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid America, rejects such humane accounting, and ignores not just the Palestinian Genocide but numerous genocide and holocaust atrocities in which Western nations have been complicit [1, 2]. The all-European International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) has 35 members who fervently support the IHRA Definition of anti-Semitism that is anti-Jewish anti-Semitic (by falsely defaming anti-racist Jews critical of Apartheid Israel), anti-Arab anti-Semitic (by falsely defaming anti-racist Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims critical of Apartheid Israel, and indeed by supporting the horrendous genocidal racism of Zionism, of Apartheid Israel, and of the Zionist-beholden US Alliance engaged in a genocidal war on Muslims), and egregiously holocaust denying (by ignoring all WW2 holocausts other than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust that is described as The Holocaust , and indeed ignoring about 70 genocide and holocaust atrocities) [25]. Indeed over 40 anti-racist Jewish organizations condemn the IHRA [1, 2, 27].

The WW2 holocausts that the mostly nuclear terrorist and neo-Nazi IHRA member countries ignore (and hence deny) include the WW2 European Holocaust (30 million Slavs, Jews and Roma killed by the Nazis), the WW2 Polish Holocaust (6 million Poles killed by the Nazis), the WW2 Chinese Holocaust (35-40 million Chinese killed under the Japanese, 1937-1945), and the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (WW2 Indian Holocaust, WW2 Bengal Famine; 6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death for strategic reasons in Bengal, Bihar, Assam and Odisha by the British with food-denying Australian complicity) [25].

Zionism is genocidal racism in awful theory and appalling practice. Indeed Zionism is Nazism without gas chambers but with world-leading war and subjugation technology, and with 90 nuclear weapons plus delivery systems including neo-Nazi Germany-supplied submarines. Indeed Moshe Menuhin (anti-racist Jewish scholar and father of famed anti-racist and anti-Zionist musician Yehudi Menuhin) opined: “Jews should be Jews not Nazis” [26]. The core human ethos is Kindness and Truth but this is horribly violated by genocidally racist and egregiously mendacious Zionists and their perverted supporters. The obscenity of the Zionist-perverted West exceeds that of bizarre satire. Thus 30% of the members of the Cabinet of geriatric child-killer Joe Biden are Jewish Zionists and the remainder are Christian Zionists, yet Jews are only 2% of the US population [26]. Similarly, there is extraordinarily disproportionate Zionist domination of the top US media corporations [29] and a deadly $40 trillion cost to America of neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel that has killed millions of Americans [30].

(C ). Estimating avoidable deaths from Occupier-imposed deprivation, regional devastation and the Palestinian Genocide.

Dr Rasha Khatib, Professor Martin McKee, and Professor Salim Yusuf in The Lancet make a profound point: “Armed conflicts have indirect health implications beyond the direct harm from violence” [21]. The extraordinary militarization of neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel means that neighbouring countries need to divert huge sums from health, education and vital infrastructure to enable some defence against Israeli aggression – and this has had a huge impact by increasing avoidable deaths from deprivation. Thus, apart from rare border spats, while nearly all non-European countries have never invaded their neighbours, Apartheid Israel has militarily attacked the territory of 13 countries, occupied the territory of 5 neighbours, still occupies territory of 4 neighbouring countries (Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria), is presently bombing Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, has reduced one of the Middle East’s oldest and largest cities (Gaza) to rubble, and has been involved as an arms supplier in genocidal atrocities around the world (Guatemala’s Mayan Indian Genocide, Myanmar’s Rohingya Genocide, Sri Lanka’s Tamil Genocide, South Africa’s Apartheid, and civil wars in Sudan, South Sudan and Colombia.).

In 2007 I estimated post-1950 excess mortality/ 2005 population (both in millions, m) and expressed as a percentage (%), with this ratio being given for each major Occupier, for each country occupied and as a total for all the countries subject to a particular Occupier post-1945. The asterisk below () indicates a majoroccupation by more than one country in the post-WW2 era (thus I have listed only the UK and the US as major occupiers of Afghanistan, Iraq and Korea, leaving aside the many other minor participants in these conflicts). The summary data provided was of post-1950 excess mortality/ 2005 population (both in millions, m) and expressed as a percentage (%), with this ratio being given for each major Occupier, for each country occupied and as a total for all the countries subject to a particular Occupier post-1945. The data for Apartheid Israel is as follows: Israel [0.095m/6.685m =1.4%] – Egypt [19.818m/74.878m = 26.5%], Jordan* [0.630m/5.750m = 11.0%], Lebanon* [0.535m/3.761m = 14.2%], Occupied Palestinian Territories* [0.677m/3.815m = 17.7%], Syria* [2.198m/18.650m = 11.8%], total = 23.858m/106.854 = 22.3%.

In summary, 1950-2005 avoidable deaths from deprivation in countries variously occupied by Apartheid Israel total 23.9 million, similar to the number of Soviet citizens killed by Nazi Germany in WW2. By way of comparison, the corresponding totals for other Occupying nations are as follows (in millions, m): Australia (2.141m), Belgium (35.964m), Ethiopia (1.757m), France (142.291m), Indonesia (0.694m), Iraq (0.089m), Israel (23.858m), Netherlands (71.569m), New Zealand (0.039m), Pakistan (51.196m), Portugal (23.482m), Russia (37.063m), South Africa (0.672m), Spain (8.570m), Turkey (0.054m), UK (727.448m), and US (82.193m).

Dr Rasha Khatib, Professor Martin McKee, and Professor Salim Yusuf in a Letter in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet estimated 186,000 Gazan deaths from violence and imposed deprivation (5 July 2024): “By June 19, 2024, 37, 396 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip since the attack by Hamas and the Israeli invasion in October, 2023, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs… Collecting data is becoming increasingly difficult for the Gaza Health Ministry due to the destruction of much of the infrastructure… Armed conflicts have indirect health implications beyond the direct harm from violence. Even if the conflict ends immediately, there will continue to be many indirect deaths in the coming months and years from causes such as reproductive, communicable, and non-communicable diseases. The total death toll is expected to be large given the intensity of this conflict; destroyed health-care infrastructure; severe shortages of food, water, and shelter; the population’s inability to flee to safe places; and the loss of funding to UNRWA, one of the very few humanitarian organisations still active in the Gaza Strip. In recent conflicts, such indirect deaths range from three to 15 times the number of direct deaths. Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Using the 2022 Gaza Strip population estimate of 2,375, 259, this would translate to 7·9% of the total population in the Gaza Strip” [21].

It should noted that Susan Abulhawa (famed Palestinian writer, author of the global best-seller “Mornings in Jenin” and “Against the Loveless World”) reported estimates of 195,000 Gazans killed by violence and imposed deprivation (27 June 2024): “The reported number of martyrs on Wednesday this week was 37,718. It’s important to note that this number only includes martyrs who have been identified by name and civil ID number through the beleaguered health ministry in Gaza. Given the breakdown of reporting systems due to heavy destruction of infrastructure and personnel, this number, even with its limited parameters, is a gross underestimation. Based on more accurate figures of approximately 370 people killed daily, multiplied by 264 days of genocide, the actual number is closer to 97,680 martyred. (Per OCHA estimate of 15 martyrs per hour: Over the course of 264 days, which amounts to 6,336 hours, this number would roughly be 95,040). The adjusted estimate of martyrs is 260 percent more than the stagnant reported number. It is reasonable to adjust the number of injured (currently 86,377) by the same percentage, bringing that value to 224,580. (Per OCHA estimate of 35 injured per hour, this number comes to 221,760)…Based on these estimates, both conservative and data-driven, respectively, the actual figures are likely as follows: 377,280 buildings destroyed completely or partially; 95,040-97,680 martyred; 221,760 injured; 24,750 dead or dying from starvation; 42,000 missing (presumed dead, kidnapped by Israel’s occupying forces or possibly trafficked). The following ranges represent conservative estimate or lower range of data-driven population estimates: 17,050-94,049 with chronic illnesses dead from lack of medication; 14,408-255,985 dead from epidemics resulting from Israel’s assault. This means the actual number of dead is closer to 194,768-511,824 people, with 221,760 injured. And counting. This does not include the thousands who have been kidnapped and are being tortured in Israel’s gulags, at least three dozen of whom have been tortured to death or died from harsh conditions” [31, 32].

The key position reported by medical experts in the top medical journal The Lancet: “In recent conflicts, such indirect deaths range from three to 15 times the number of direct deaths. Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186, 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza”. In my analysis of (a) the Iraq War (1990-2011) and (b) the Afghan War (2001-2021)

the Indirect Deaths/Direct Deaths were (a) 2.9 million/1.7 million = 1.7 and (b) 5.2 million /1.6 million = 3.3. However the West greatly under-estimates the Indigenous violent deaths thus: (a) 300,000 (Iraq) [33] and (b) 243,000 (Afghanistan)[34] these yielding Indirect Deaths/Direct Deaths of (a) 2.9 million/ 0.3 million = 9.7 (Iraq) and (b) 5.2 million/ 0.243 million = 21.4 .

The most extreme under-estimation of Iraq war deaths comes from the Australian ABC (the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, the politically correct racist (PC racist) and mendacious Australian equivalent of the racist and mendacious UK BBC) that on the occasion of the withdrawal of most US forces from Iraq asserted that “tens of thousands of Iraqis” had been killed [35]. In stark refutation of the Australian ABC , in 2007 there were 5 million Iraqi orphans [36-38] and the average number of children in an Iraqi family is about 4.3 [39], so the death toll of Iraqi parents alone is 2 x 5.0 million/4.3 = 2.3 million. If we add the 2.5 million under-5 infant deaths (0.7 x 3.5 million avoidable deaths from deprivation = 2.5 million under-5 infant deaths) the total comes to 4.8 million. One notes that the Australian ABC management has prohibited using the words “genocide” and “apartheid” in describing the ongoing Palestinian Genocide by Apartheid Israel [40], a position backed by the formerly prestigious University of Melbourne [41] that obscenely collaborates with Lockheed Martin (its F-35 warplanes are deeply involved in the Gaza Genocide) [42], has falsely accused pro-Palestinian human rights students (that include anti-racist Jewish and Arab students) of being “anti-Semitic” [43], is persecuting pro-Palestinian human rights anti-racist students involved in encampments to protest the Gaza Genocide [44], and had adopted the false and racist Definition of anti-Semitism of the IHRA that is anti-Jewish anti-Semitic and anti-Arab anti-Semitic (by falsely defaming anti-racist Jews, Palestinians , Arab and Muslim students critical of Apartheid Israeli crimes) [25]. 2 decades ago I published a detailed account of censorship and self-censorship in Australian Universities that concluded “Finally, we should publicly insist that universities that constrain free speech are not fit for our children” [45].

(D). Western Mainstream media positively reporting the Lancet report.

Careful searching has so far revealed no Australian, US, UK, Canadian or Western Mainstream media unequivocally reporting this horrific reality, except for the Washington Post (by famed Shashi Tharoor’s son Ishaan), The National (Scotland), the Irish Times, MSNBC and Yahoo. In stark contrast I have found 110 Alternative and Global South media which have reported this huge story.

Ishaan Tharoor (son of famed Shashi Tharoor, The Washington Post, 10 July 2024): “The war has killed close to 40,000 people, according to local authorities and U.N. estimates. The Lancet, a respected British medical journal, calculated that the real death toll, including those missing in Gaza’s ruins and “indirect” deaths from malnutrition, disease and other conditions brought on by the conflict, could be around 186,000 people — that is, roughly 8 percent of Gaza’s population. In the face of such an onslaught, leaders from countries in the so-called Global South have already expressed their disquiet. “When Russia invaded Ukraine, the West led the global campaign of condemnation. It called for the world to denounce Russia in the name of human rights and international law,” wrote Indonesian President-elect Prabowo Subianto earlier this year. “Today, however, the same countries are allowing yet another bloody conflict, this time in Gaza” [46].

Ross Hunter, “Gaza death toll could be as high as 186,000, warn health experts”, The National, 8 July 2024: “Medical experts have estimated that as many as 186,000 Palestinian deaths could be attributed to Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza. Since the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, the Gaza Health Ministry states that 37,396 people have been killed in Gaza. While the figures are disputed by Israeli authorities they are widely considered to be accurate by the United Nations and World Health Organisation. However, according to medical researcher Rasha Khatib, public health expert Professor Martin McKee, and epidemiologist Professor Salim Yusuf, the conflict may be responsible for as many as four times as many deaths as currently reported. In an article published by medical journal The Lancet, they state that “armed conflicts have indirect health implications beyond the direct harm from violence… Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death to the 37 396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Using the 2022 Gaza Strip population estimate of 2 ,375 ,259, this would translate to 7·9% of the total population in the Gaza Strip” [47].

Michael Jansen (The Irish Times, 8 July 2024): “As many as 186,000 Palestinians may be killed directly or indirectly by the Gaza war, correspondence published by the British medical journal, the Lancet, has predicted. “Even if the conflict were to end immediately, many indirect deaths will continue to be recorded in the coming months and years due to causes such as reproductive, communicable and non-communicable diseases,” stated the correspondence from three authors, Rasha Khatib, Martin McKee and Salim Yusuf. The death toll could exceed this figure, they said, “given the intensity of this conflict; destroyed healthcare infrastructure; severe shortages of food, water and shelter; the population’s inability to flee to safe places; and the loss of funding to [the UN agency for Palestinian refugees] Unrwa, one of the very few humanitarian organisations still active in the Gaza Strip”. Dr Rasha Khatib is described on the Lancet website as affiliate of the Advocate Aurora Research Institute, Milwaukee, US, and the Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeit University, Birzeit, Palestine; Prof Martin McKee is an affiliate of the Department of Public Health and Policy, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London; and Dr Salim Yusuf is an affiliate of the Population Health Research Institute, McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada”[48].

Clarissa-Jan Lim (MSNBC, US, 10 July 2024): “More than 186,000 deaths in Gaza could result from the Israel-Hamas war, according to an analysis published by The Lancet medical journal” [49].

(E). Scant Western Mainstream media reporting but disputing The Lancet report.

Matthew Mpoke Bigg (London-based African journalist; New York Times, 11 July 2024): “The letter in The Lancet, which said that counting indirect deaths in Gaza was “difficult but essential,” based its estimate on looking at previous studies of recent conflicts, which indicated that three to 15 times as many people died indirectly for every person who had died violently. Applying what they called a “conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death,” the authors wrote that it was “not implausible” to estimate that about 186,000 deaths could eventually be attributable to the conflict in Gaza… The subject of excess deaths is sensitive because it touches on the collateral cost of Israel’s war against Hamas”. He then summarized Zionist and other criticisms of the Lancet report [50]..

Marc Daou (France 24, 11 July 2024): “According to a “letter” published on July 5 on the website of the renowned British medical journal The Lancet entitled “Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but essential”, “it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza”. Based on “the 2022 Gaza Strip population estimate of 2,375,259, this would translate to 7.9% of the total population in the Gaza Strip”, write the co-authors of this letter published in the “correspondence” section of the website. These figures are significantly higher than the death toll of 38,345 announced on Thursday July 11 by the Gaza Health Ministry, which has been publishing daily figures since the start of Israel’s offensive against Hamas in the besieged Palestinian territory, in response to the Islamist militant group’s October 7 attack on Israeli soil… On the one hand, the letter has been widely accused of being biased, as it relies on a questionable calculation method and hypothetical estimates. The Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post reported that “the platform provided by the respected magazine”, The Lancet, gave the letter “a reliable atmosphere. This led anti-Israel users on social media to propagate the new libel en masse”. However, the letter, which was picked up by several international media, was welcomed by others and widely shared to express support for the Gazan population and call for an end to Israeli military operations in Gaza”[51].

The French website Laturbine even more vigorously and nastily disputed The Lancet report: “This led anti-Israel users on social media to propagate the new libel en masse, conveniently forgetting to mention the nature of the letter. Such was UN rapporteur [for the Occupied Palestinian Territory] Francesca Albanese, who presents herself as an expert in law, quoted the piece, claiming in a tweet that “If one includes both direct & indirect deaths from Israel’s assault, the death toll in Gaza goes up to 186,000 people, according to the medical journal The Lancet. That’s 1 in every 12 Gaza inhabitants killed in the last 9 months of genocide” [53].

(F). Genocide-complicit, genocide-ignoring, genocide-denying, holocaust-complicit, holocaust-ignoring and holocaust-denying Zionist rejection of The Lancet report.

Various Zionist organizations and media nastily dismissed the report of 186,000 Palestinian deaths with the falsehoods of “anti-Semitism”, “grotesque”, “libellous” and “blood libel”. The pro-Zionist Murdoch media empire Herald Sun (Melbourne, 10 July 2024) inadvertently mentioned “186,000” in quoting quoted a protester at a rally at the University of Melbourne protesting the university’s persecution of pro-Palestinian human rights students: “186,000 Palestinians have been killed in the past nine months” [54].

(G). 110 Alternative and Global South media reporting the Lancet Report on 186,000 Gaza deaths.

An exhaustive Internet search revealed about 100 Alternative and Global South websites reporting the 186,000 deaths that in descending order of prominence are as follows (with country or other base in brackets where applicable): Muslim Voice (Muslim), World Socialist Web Site (Socialist), New Telegraph (Nigeria), Doha News (Qatar), Al Jazeera (Qatar, and banned in neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel), TRT News (Turkiye), Tempo.com (Indonesia), Al Mayadeen (Arabic), , Maktoob Media (Kerala, India), Middle East Monitor (UK), 5 Pillars (Muslim, UK), Common Dreams (US), Muslim Mirror (Muslim, India), X (US), Pakistan Today (Pakistan), Mumsnet (UK, for parents), Informed Comment (Juan Cole, Michigan, US), Quds News (Palestine), Islam Channel (Muslim, UK), Global Issues (UN), ScheerPost (US), South Asia Journal of South Asia Studies (Australia), Al-Ahram (Egypt), Peoples Dispatch (global), Tehran Times (Iran), Democracy Now! (US), Countercurrents (Kerala , India), Arab News (Saudi Arabia), Voice of Vietnam (Vietnam), Roya News (Jordan), The New Arab (Arab, UK), Middle East Eye (global, UK), The Business Standard (Bangladesh), Palestine Chronicle (Palestine), Free Press Kashmir (Kashmir, India), The Wire (India), The Frontier Post (Pakistan), Morocco World News (Morocco), Hurriyet Daily News (Turkiye), Daily Sun (Bangladesh), The Country Today (Bangladesh), The National News (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates), Erkan’s Field Diary (Turkiye), Nation of Change (US), Caliber.az (Azerbaijan), WE News (Pakistan), Shafaqna (Shia Muslim, Iran), Sahandkhabar (Iran), Madhyamam (Kerala, India), Radio Cadera Agramonte (Cuba), Muslim Council of Britain (UK), Progressive Hub (US), The Cradle (West Asia), Anadolu Agency (Turkiye), Anews (Turkiye), Ground News (Canada), SCNR (US), Up North Live (US), Yeni Safak (Turkiye), Sarajevo Times (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Truthout (US), Dhaka Tribune (Bangladesh), The Left Chapter (Canada), Almasirah (Yemeni, Lebanon), EpiNews (Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network, EMPHNET), CAIR (Council on American–Islamic Relations, US), Verbwise (Canada), Anti-war.com (US), News9 (India), 4th Pillar Post (Pakistan), RigobertoTiglao.com (Philippines), Samaa (Pakistan), Rihondo (US), Z Network (US), Defend Democracy Press (EU), Press TV (Iran), Recent News (US), Radio Habana (Cuba), Nuclear News (US), Hot Press (US), Palestinian Return Centre (UK), Timeline Daily (India), Interpress Service (global, Italy), Dissident Voice (US), Canadian Dimension (Canada), L’Insoumission (France), Unrigged (Canada), Global Research (Canada), Newsnow (Australia), Stavanger Aftenblad (Norway), Islam Channel (Muslim, UK), RT (Russia), Free Palestine Melbourne (FPM, Australia), Australian Palestinian Advocacy Network (APAN, Australia), Gideon Polya, The Lancet, Scoop (New Zealand), MintPress News (US), X (global) and Mondoweiss (US).

(H). Estimating the number of children and women killed by Jewish Israeli state terrorists in the Gaza Massacre and entrenched Zionist child abuse in Apartheid Israel, pro-Apartheid America and Zionist-subverted, US lackey Australia.

Decent Humanity has an utter horror over the killing of children. Indeed “thou shalt not kill children” is such a fundamental human prohibition that it is not even specifically included in the Ten Commandments (apart from the general “thou shalt not kill”) [55]. The wonderful Jesus famously declared “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” [56]. The Lancet Letter estimates 186,000 (or more) killed in the Gaza Genocide, with this including 37,000 killed violently (ignoring the dead buried under rubble) and 149,000 dying avoidably from imposed deprivation [21]. However it would be useful to estimate how many children and women have been killed. .

Euro-Med Human Rights Watch has estimated that by Day 250 of the Gaza Massacre (7 October 2023 – 12 June 2024 or about 8 months and including 8,000 killed in the rubble) 45,000 Gazans had been killed, including 16,000 children (35.6%), 10,000 women (22.2%), 19,000 men (42.2%), 500 health professionals, and 152 courageous, truth-telling journalists) [20, 57]. Assuming that the same proportionality applies to the Gazan deaths from (a) violence and (b) imposed deprivation reported by The Lancet then child deaths would be (a)13,172 + (b) 53,044 = 66,216, and the women deaths would be (a) 8,214 + (b) 33,078 = 41,292.

However a more accurate estimation of child deaths is as follows. In impoverished Global South countries under-5 infant deaths are about 70% of avoidable deaths from deprivation [1, 2]. Accordingly children killed in Gaza would include (a) 0.356 x 37,000 = 13,172 (children killed violently) + (b) 0.356 x 8,000 = 2,848 (children killed under the rubble) + (c ) 0.7 x 149,000 =104,300 (under-5 deaths from deprivation) + (d ) 0.356 x (149,000 – 104,300) = 15,913 (5 years and older avoidable deaths) = 136,233 or about 136,000 children in total or 136,000 x 100/1,500,000 = 9.1% of the 1.5 million Jewish children killed by the Nazis in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust [58].

One can compare (a) the rate of Zionazi killing of Palestinian children in Gaza with (b) the rate of Nazi German killing of Jewish children in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust: (a) the rate of killing of children by Zionazi Jewish Israelis in Gaza over 8 months = 136,000 children / 8 months = 17,000 children killed per month, whereas (b) the rate of Nazi killing of Jewish children in WW2 (74 months = 1,500,000 children/74 months = 20,270 children killed per month). The rate of Jewish Israeli killing of Palestinian children in the Gaza Massacre (17,000 children killed per month) is 84% of the rate of Nazi German killing of Jewish children in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (20,270 children killed per month). Nazi is as Nazi does.

In 2021 I published a detailed and documented account of 52 Zionist- and Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany comparisons [59]. The utterly unforgivable Jewish Israeli mass murder of over 136,000 children documented here makes a 53rd shocking comparison.

However there is a further horrible dimension to this appalling Zionist child abuse. Thus it has been determined that 50% of Israeli children suffer physical, psychological or sexual abuse, with 18% suffering sexual abuse. Pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid Australia is second only to the similarly pro-Apartheid US as a supporter of Apartheid Israel. 25% of Australian children and 18% of US children suffer child sexual abuse [60]. Yet a fervently pro-Apartheid Israel Australian Labor Government instituted a $500 million Royal Commission a highly empowered inquiry) that was concerned only with institutional child sexual abuse or about 1% of the ghastly problem (40,000 cases of Catholic clergy child sexual abuse but 4.4 million adult Australians having suffered child sexual abuse, notably involving family, relatives and family friends) [60]. Children are about 47% of the pre-7 October 2023 Gaza population of 2.3 million and all must be horribly traumatized by violent death and horrific deaths from deprivation totalling 7.9% of the population [21]. Another reason out of many for decent Australians to put Labor last in Australia’s compulsory and preferential voting system. The Australian Labor Government is racist, militarist, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic, holocaust-denying, genocide-complicit, cowardly, ignorant, mendacious, corrupt, traitorous, child-abusing, mother-abusing, women-abusing, anti-Indigenous, nuclear terrorist, climate criminal, ecocidal, speciescidal, Humanity-betraying, and thus utterly rotten to the core. Labor is utterly unfit to rule – in Australia’s preferential voting system decent voters will put Labor last. The genocide-complicit Australian Labor Party (or ALP aka as the Apartheid Labor Party and Anti-human rights Labor Party) is unfit for decent human company, public life and public office and decent Australian voters will put Labor last [61, 62].

Final comments and conclusions.

Over 136,000 Palestinian children have been `killed so far by violence or violently-imposed deprivation in the Gaza Concentration Camp by the Jewish Israeli state terrorists of neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel. The rate of Jewish Israeli killing of Palestinian children in the Gaza Massacre (17,000 children killed per month) is 84% of the rate of Nazi German killing of Jewish children in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (20,270 children killed per month). Nazi is as Nazi does and terrorism is as terrorism does.

In his Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, anti-racist Jewish British writer Harold Pinter stated: “How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a war criminal? One hundred thousand? More than enough, I would have thought. Therefore it is just that Bush and Blair be arraigned before the International Criminal Court of Justice” [63]. 186,000? Surely enough, I would have thought.

Of course the only way the World can accurately determine the total number of Palestinians killed in the Gaza Genocide is to order the child-killing Jewish Israeli state terrorists out of the Occupied Palestinian Territory that has been highly abusively ruled by genocidally racist and egregiously mendacious Apartheid Israel for 57 years. Apartheid Israel out would enable rapid entry of life-sustaining water, food, shelter, medicine and medical care for the 2.1 million survivors and forensic teams to accurately determine who were killed, how they were killed and the intactness of the bodies (Apartheid Israel has an appalling record as a major player in the global illegal organ transplant industry) [64].

In addition to the shocking Palestinian death toll, this analysis reveals the extraordinary genocide denial by Zionist-perverted Western Mainstream journalist, editor, academic and commentariat presstitutes that serve a Zionist-subverted Western Establishment. Presently only 4 Mainstream media have unequivocally reported The Lancet account of 186,000 deaths, as compared to 110 Alternative and Global South media reporting The Lancet account, and a small number of genocide-denying Zionist media. After WW2 many Germans declared that they did not know what was happening, although there are stories of decent Germans (righteous gentiles) giving bread to Jews crammed into cattle trucks en route to extermination. The US-dominated and Zionist-perverted Western Mainstream is utterly damned for its silence and genocide complicity.

I recently published a huge book entitled “Free Palestine”. The subtitle of the book summarizes what has to happen: End Apartheid Israel, human rights denial, Gaza massacre, child killing, occupation and Palestinian Genocide [12, 65].

Meanwhile the mass murder continues while the world looks on. The death of 69 Africans in the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre led to the immediate global response of boycotts and sanctions that ultimately led to the fall of South African Apartheid in 1994 with the formation of a united, non-racist, secular democracy. Surely the unforgivable mass murder of 186,000 Palestinians (mostly women and children) will elicit a massive global response. The World must impose comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) on mother- and child-killing Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians, parties, collectives, companies and countries supporting this genocidally racist and neo-Nazi pariah state.

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