Hamas, Fatah And Other Palestinian Factions Reach Agreement For Unity In China

Affirming the right of the Palestinian people to resist Israeli occupation, representatives of 14 Palestinian factions have signed an agreement to end their divisions and form a temporary government of national unity

The Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity was signed on Tuesday following talks in Beijing, at China’s invitation, which began on Sunday, China’s Foreign Ministry said.

“It brings precious hope for the Palestinian people who have suffered for too long,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said at a press conference, “and stresses the need to hold, under the auspices of the UN, an international conference with a full mandate and broad-based participation from the region and beyond.”

Ning said that according to the declaration, “parties believe that the Beijing talks demonstrated a positive and constructive spirit, and agree to realize national unity among all factions under the framework of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.”

Three ‘Indispensable’ Steps

She explained that Foreign Minister Wang Yi put forward China’s three-step initiative regarding the ongoing Gaza conflict.

The first step was aimed at “achieving comprehensive, lasting and sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as soon as possible, and ensuring unimpeded access to humanitarian aid and rescue on the ground.”

The second step was “making joint efforts toward post-conflict governance of Gaza under the principle of ‘the Palestinians governing Palestine’.”

The third step was “making Palestine a full UN member state and beginning to implement the two-state solution.”

“These three steps are interlocked and all of them are indispensable,” the spokesperson said.

Points of Agreement

According to Palestinian sources, the factions, which include Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) and Fatah, agreed to the following:

-Welcoming the opinion of the International Court of Justice, “which confirmed the illegality of presence, occupation, and settlement”

– Continuing to “follow up on the implementation of the agreements to end the division that took place with the help of Egypt, Algeria, China, and Russia”

– Committing to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state “with its capital in Al-Quds (Jerusalem) in accordance with international resolutions, especially 181 and 2334, and ensuring the right of return”.

– Affirming “the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation and end it in accordance with international laws, the UN Charter, and the right of peoples to self-determination”

– Forming “a temporary national unity government with the consensus of Palestinian factions and by a decision of the president based on the Palestinian Basic Law”

– The formed government “exercises its powers and authorities over all Palestinian territories, confirming the unity of the West Bank, Al-Quds, and the Gaza Strip”

– To “resist and thwart attempts to displace our people from their homeland, especially from the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and Al-Quds”

– “Working to lift the barbaric siege on our people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and deliver humanitarian and medical aid without restriction or condition.”

‘Determined to Liberate’

“These are historic moments,” senior Hamas official, Dr Mousa Abu Marzouk, who was present at the talks, said.

“We will remain determined to liberate our land and ensure the return of our people.”

He emphasized that Palestine “and its cause have reached international courts, thanks to the struggle and sacrifices” of the Palestinian people.

“We are active on all fronts to protect our people and stop the aggression against them, and we will exert all efforts to stop the massacres and aggression,” he added.

Abu Marzouk thanked China for its “efforts” as well as “everyone who has stood with us” including Hezbollah, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Qatar, Turkey and Egypt.

In April, representatives of Hamas and Fatah held talks in Beijing wherein they had “fully expressed their political will to achieve reconciliation through dialogue and consultation and explored a number of specific issues, with positive progress being made,” according to China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian.

Israel’s Reaction

Reacting to the news, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz slammed the news, saying on X: Hamas and Fatah signed an agreement in China for joint control of Gaza after the war.”

He added: “In reality, this won’t happen because Hamas’s rule will be crushed, and Abbas will be watching Gaza from afar. Israel’s security will remain solely in Israel’s hands.”

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