Does the story with lithium cover the story with Kosovo or vice versa?

While on the so-called. Kosovo is what is happening and the so-called “palacinka” announces the announcement in which it will announce what kind of so-called measures we will take, there is no noise and anger in the capital, especially from the right. It is quiet, even Miša Vacić does not clap the slippers like in the famous heroic photo from which our enemies tremated.

The malicious would think these days that, apart from foreign ones, there are domestic landlords, so to speak, professional Serbs by profession, who by command raise the fuss to the heating or, also according to the command, do not raise it at all.

But how do everyone else feel, they really right, really left, really center, everyone who really thinks something, so whatever orientation is that opinion? And most importantly: how do Serbs feel in Kosovo?

On the Internet – and only there – there is a lot of anger, which is “that’s when you trusted the Serb List and Vucic instead of realizing your situation, this is when you listened to the orders from Belgrade, took off your uniforms, left the institutions”; this could be said equally by an outraged right-winger and a bitter leftist and bitter.

This opinion, however, comes not only out of desperation and helplessness, but also from insufficient awareness, for which the regime media has been taking care of for decades.

This is probably the only time I will pull the cheesy “has ever been in Kosovo?” the argument, which is bad if used as easy disqualification, but it is not at all lambed when it is well-intentioned in terms of referral to the actual state of the field.

Regular readers of this section will remember the travel text about exactly that, and the impressions I shared; now the extension.

The bottom line: what some people here don’t understand is that the Serbian repression against Serbs down there is incomparably worse than here, but Kurti also has Kurti on the neck.

No one is looking at us from above

I personally listened to confessions about going door-to-door, with a question that sounds mafia rhetoric: “There’s an election, you know who you’re supposed to vote for, right?”

This is not sinister, is it not directed to mythical warriors in armor, ready for battle, as it is often imagined here in an epileptic attack of epic, but to ordinary people, decades-long frightened.

In general, it is fascinating that we do not yet manage to overthrow this regime in any city, we are afraid of every local Kabaddahiat with the party’s back, but we do not understand – even since there is no Oliver Ivanovic – how our people from Kosovo do not stand up against Radoicic and the like.

“You better understand which countries you are actually citizens,” it also says in the comments, which is to say: trust Kurti. And why don’t they trust him, is that just pride, spite? A Serb from Gracanica explained this to me very well: “If anyone had ever seen him drinking coffee with Serbs, he might have believed him that he had good intentions.”

There is a difference, it is so political, between public appearances – in which Kurti speaks to anyone who is a Serb in Serbian, as in a sign of appreciation – and the policy he is actually implementing, and which, with the wholehearted help of the official Belgrade, will, in order to lead the one out of incompetence, in the end to the fact that all Serbs have been displaced from there.

This, the adjective, will be done so that the story for the public will be how Kurti and official Belgrade broke down to keep the Serbs, it is simply not known who gave them their hopes for their actions, but it did not work. And we’re just looking at a live broadcast of that synergy.

North (ini) on Korea

Between the two fires is a trap in which our people live there, treming with the truth that they are left to fend for themselves all the time; the novelty is that diplomatic facades fall, and with them the last glimmers of hope. And I can only imagine what an even more obvious obvious obviousness of that truth to our people now looks.

We should not at all be at all at all intellent, in some irony of torment, by the fact that someone down there does not understand the famous one that we are no longer wherever the radicals have defended us: it has never been a belief in radicals, but a combination of fear, hope and force.

And we, here “wers-toe”? If we don’t throw away these kind of angry-succeous stings, what do we think, while the master of life turns us on a frying pan?

It is unclear: does the story with lithium cover the story with Kosovo or vice versa, or simply both? As we organize to save what can be saved from these two salvations, this current hostage is that it becomes massively clear to us and what can not.

At the time, of course, I am not talking about the ultra-right dream that the army returns to Kosovo, all the same as the real, even if it is not a pacifist as the beetle of these lines, it is clear that there is nothing from this (belowly deeply suicidal) mission; I am talking about the fact that we are just looking at the final collapse of the other, the political methods – in which the more sensible among us have once at least a little relied.

For radicals, no Serbian word is the most expensive, they have always been there just to cheap and sell us.

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