The “Time” editor-in-Officer from the Serbian Armed Forces contacted: The decision to speak is my moral need

There has been talk for years about the reinstatement of compulsory military service, and so far these stories have looked like another public momentum by the authorities. However, amid the crisis in Kosovo, the president has now said that this time is real.

In recent days, tabloids have also dealt with how the countries of the region are jealous of Serbia because it buys modern weapons and has such a strong army.

However, for years now, people from the army are leaving. Military exercises are mostly made as a show, not only to “shadow the simplicity” and win a few points, but also to cover up the true state of affairs. And what is that? The editorial office of “Time” was contacted by a whistleblower from the Serbian Armed Forces, who speaks about this – what are the relationship within the VS, what is the possibility of progress, how much is the influx of politics and incompetent staff, what is happening with the military union, what are the investments, how much the army is capable of war.

The decision to speak is legal and in my opinion, a legitimate consequence and a moral need.

The people who finance the army and rely on their ability to protect lives and property must know at any moment what state the defense system is in, as one of the carriers of every social order. Unfortunately, from the “transparency” of the army advocated during the “transition” after October 5, 2000, the only thing that has become transparent and remains is that our enemies now have a better insight into the state of our army than our people, and that the army has completely, instead of civilian, i.e. civil, under the political control of the ruling party, that is, the party from whose ranks comes a member appointed as the minister of defense.

As a military person, I have no right to make statements for the media under the name, surname and function, but I have the right and obligation to point out the situation anonymously, as a citizen, and to warn about the possible consequences of incorrect and criminal activities that have been implemented in the army’s headquarters for decades. I will not present any military secrets here, although they are very much available to those who should be the least, but I will only point out the problems that even the president of the state publicly points out, but also the causes and possible solutions of the same, which the system does not deal with with the intention of actually solving them, and for which there is a lot of evidence. It is my legal right and obligation, otherwise I would be compliant in that destruction, and also my moral obligation and need in accordance with family and military education.

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