Persistent ethnic tension in north Kosovo could trigger a repeat of violence seen in the area last year, when four people died in a gun battle and NATO peacekeepers were hurt in clashes, a senior official from the military alliance warned on Saturday (12 October). Kosovo is predominantly ethnic Albanian …
Read More »Yearly Archives: 2024
Les États-Unis alliés à des djihadistes ukrainiens et syriens pour lutter contre la Russie
Des décennies après la fin de la guerre froide, les États-Unis continuent d’avoir recours aux guerres par procuration comme stratégie centrale dans leurs confrontations avec les principaux rivaux mondiaux, en particulier la Russie et la Chine. Cette approche leur permet d’étendre leur influence et de poursuivre leurs objectifs géopolitiques sans …
Read More »What If Iran Had the Nuclear Bomb?
Policy Analysis | This paper deals with the scenario of Iran becoming a nuclear state. Many estimates indicate that Tehran is close to crossing the nuclear threshold for military purposes. This analysis investigates two views, one sees Iran’s possession of a nuclear weapon as a condition that can be tolerated, …
Read More »Iran Shouldn’t Expect Russia to Come Riding to Its Rescue
While the prospect of a full-scale war between Iran and Israel is a worry for the Kremlin, it could also have a significant financial upside for Russia. The escalating conflict between Israel and Iran is beginning to impact Russian interests in the Middle East, as well as threaten a whole …
Read More »How Significant Is The US’ THAAD Deployment To Israel?
Something big is coming, and whatever it is, there’s now a heightened chance that the US will become directly involved. The Pentagon confirmed that it’ll dispatch nearly 100 troops to Israel to operate one of its premier air defense systems, the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), of which it …
Pakistan As Pakistan gears up for the forthcoming Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit scheduled for October 15 and 16 in Islamabad, in which nine full members, including China, India, Iran and Russia, are participating, stepped up insurgent violence in Balochistan has become a serious headache for the Pakistani establishment. In …
Read More »US deploys combat troops to Israel as preparations mount for an attack on Iran
The US Defense Department announced Sunday that a THAAD missile defense battery manned by US soldiers is being deployed to Israel, marking the first time US “boots on the ground” are being deployed to Israel since October 7, 2023. The move comes amid statements by US officials to NBC that …
Read More »Les États-Unis, malgré les mises en garde, vont transférer le système THAAD à Israël
Cette décision intervient alors que les tensions régionales se sont intensifiées, notamment après la récente frappe de représailles de l’Iran contre Israël. Les États-Unis prévoient le transfert immédiat du système de défense antimissile THAAD à Israël en réponse aux «menaces croissantes d’attaques de missiles balistiques en provenance d’Iran», a rapporté …
Read More »L’annonce de Moscou selon laquelle le Hezbollah maintient ses capacités est un message pour Washington et Tel-Aviv
Des sources russes de haut rang ont affirmé dimanche à la chaine satellitaire libanaise Al-Mayadeen que «l’annonce de Moscou selon laquelle le Hezbollah réussira à maintenir ses capacités de contrôle est non seulement un message à Israël mais aussi à Washington», comme elles le disent. Les mêmes sources ont indiqué …
Read More »India’s Muslims: An Increasingly Marginalized Population
Summary Some two hundred million Muslims live in India, making up the predominantly Hindu country’s largest minority group.For decades, Muslim communities have faced discrimination in employment and education and encountered barriers to achieving wealth and political power. They are disproportionately the victims of communal violence.Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the …
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