Peace and diplomacy between USA and Russia or more NATO empire-building?


The war in Ukraine continues to move ever closer to a nuclear confrontation between the United States and Russia as loggerhead tensions continue to mount between these two super powers with the U.S. resolutely declaring it will ultimately defeat Russia, while Russia resolutely declares it will not loose the war. If this ‘Mexican Standoff’ remains as it is it can only continue to deteriorate until some cataclysmic conclusion is reached.

In the West, the oppressive virtual news blackout of all anti-war, pro-diplomatic dialogue and pro-negotiation sentiments have essentially been all but squelched, with the narrative drilled into the world’s mind that the war unprovoked by the West with Russia the single only provocateur and aggressor. While the East and independent critics and historians n the West and around the world point to the U.S., NATO and fascist-controlled Western Ukraine as the main provocateur’s, going back several decades.

It’s what wars in general, always are fought over. However, in the case of Ukraine, the stakes now have become so much more dangerous and deadly for every nation and that of the Earth’s Biosphere itself.

So a Voice is given here to how little attention has been given by the West about the West’s own culpability for the active provocateurs they have repeatedly been in this theatre of the world for a least the past several decades. Meaning this war didn’t just begin in a vacuum on February 24th, 2022 but has a very long antecedent of Machiavellian twists and turns.


The on-going 75 year-long uprising in Israel by dispossessed Palestinians, who for decades have been treated by the Zionists and their U.S. allies no better than if they were inmates in a Nazi death camp. This is a reflection of how the current War in Ukraine is so typical of a major proto-fascist shift that has been going on everywhere in the world for decades that is now fundamentally shaking the Human Race’s basic underpinning tectonic plates. The worrying tremors now felt between the West & East in Ukraine, are head’s up warnings of the “Big One” that’s on its way. The cacophony of what all is happening is like the wailing groans and moans a torpedoed, mortally-wounded, ship makes as it breaks up in its slow descent into the abyss of a watery grave.

Israel’s terrorism against Palestinians is the same quantitative violence being waged by the total military might of the U.S., NATO and their Western Ukrainian puppet regime against Russia and the Russian-speaking people of Eastern Ukraine; obsessed by their own ideological intent to utterly destroy Russia “To the Last Dead Ukrainian soldier”.

Early on in the U.S.-instigated and manipulated diabolical war in Ukraine, President Zelensky, in a slip of the tongue, admitted that one of his dream objectives for Ukraine, was to one day “become a Big Israel”, with its own police state to include armed forces with weapons in “all institutions, supermarkets and cinemas”. That nicely sums up everything that any one needs to know about the conflict in Ukraine.

Zelenskyy says wants Ukraine to become a ‘big Israel’ | Russia-Ukraine war News | Al Jazeera

In one way or the other, the same U.S. ideological forces over past centuries have constantly sought to destroy the sovereignty and democracy of whole peoples as well as whole countries, such as in: Haiti and Cuba in the Western Hemisphere; Ukraine in Eastern Europe; Syria and Yemen in the Middle East, as well as countless others. The list is an exceedingly-long, grim one. The objective, in all cases, is the eventual subjugation of all oppressed peoples until they’ve been turned into U.S. vassal states.

The US and its Western allies, with malevolent forethought, have simply sought to negate or erode the sovereignty of nations for their own Empire’s endless expansion. One example of so many others one can cite, is the never-ending economic, political, ideological crisis in Haiti.

Haitians Protest Economic Crisis & Gang Violence, Demand U.S. Stay Out and Allow Domestic Solution | Democracy Now!

Another blatant example is how the oppressive, meddling Monroe doctrine of the United States is constantly at work, as it has been virtually since the birth of the U.S, in its ever-attentive quickness to punish Western Hemisphere nations like Cuba or whomever others have ever dared to go their own way, political or ideologically; such as the punitive 60 year-old economic embargo ruthlessly waged by the U.S. against the Republic of Cuba since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.

Its outrageous, but the world’s mainstream corporate press remains either dumbed down, brain dead, or totally bought out when it comes to speaking truth to power about all this. Imagine how the fur would fly if, say, Mexico, had allowed China to place its security defenses on dthee border with the United States? If it wasn’t so dismally sad and pathetic to consider, it would be totally outrageous and utterly unacceptable.

Now, the $64,000 dollar question is, “When will Russia, the United States, and its NATO allies, finally reach that flashpoint moment of truth in Ukraine; when they, or some more malevolent Deep State ideological force behind them, decides it’s time to take the next colossal step of empire-building in Ukraine and against Mother Russia, and its “Geronimo! Bombs Away!”

The truth of the matter is that the United States and every other European Caucasian settler nation that ever has re-formed itself in the New World was born and still remains in a constant state of empire-building aggression. First it was aggression against: the indigenous First Nations and Brown peoples of the New World and everything in their natural world; then it was against Black Africans violently imported in chains to do all the back-breaking work of the ruling White imperialists who rushed to the New World to aggressively lay claim to whatever piece of it they could.

As time has moved on, these self-branded New World Americans have continued, with ever more cleverly-devised laws and doctrines, like: the Monroe Doctrine; Manifest Destiny; Declaration of Independence, which really translates to mean a Declaration of Perpetual Expansionism and Subjugation; the more recent declaration of a Project for a New American Century, and; now an even newer 21st Century, Madrid-NATO-Summit devised, Strategic Concept of U.S.-led Militarism that, so far, has emerged from out of the virtual World War in Ukraine.

Still forever totally left unaddressed and unresolved in all the talk of Nuclear Armageddon, however, are the more critically-important human life crises issues, such as: uncontrolled exponential population explosion; Food & Energy Security, and; total Biosphere collapse. Each one an ultimate example of Homosapien’s absolute evolutionary savagery in the 21st Century!


“Glasnost The Game” is a strategy board game invented by Yiannis Laouris, a Cypriot neuroscientist, that depicts a modified political map of the Earth, divided into 166 territories, grouped into five continents. Players begin with ownership of 25 industries and 25 armies. Industries represent economic power, while armies are used to colonize/capture adjacent countries or apply political pressure in order for every player to reach the ultimate goal of disarmament. Players attempt to colonize territories from other players to do so. Though the game can still be purchased through or, the concept of Glasnost and Disarmament in Ukraine, in game form or real life. is still a very, very long way from catching on.


On October 7th, Ukraine’s ultra-nationalist President Zelensky, once again appealed, “To the international community, as I did at the outset of the war on February 24th, that we need preventative strikes, so the Russians will know what will happen to them if they use nukes, and not the other way around.”

(Fact Check: Did President Zelensky Call on NATO to Start Nuclear War? (

The U.S., NATO and Western Ukraine obviously continue to remain nuclear-poised, with MACH nuclear-guided missiles from outer space with multiple war heads ready to utterly annihilate Eastern Ukraine and Russia the moment Russia makes the wrong move.


President Dwight ‘Ike’ Eisenhower, former General of the U.S. Army during WWII, once was referred to as “The Peace President’ because in 1953 he refused to use the Atomic Bomb during the Korean War. ‘Ike’, as he was familiarly called, is still fondly remembered for his many pronouncements about how to act or how not to react to the dangers of the nuclear age, and for his brave and courageous stand not to use the Bomb against the Koreans and Chinese.

Eisenhower believed the United States should never bankrupt itself to: finance the military; resolutely guard against the rise of the military-industrial complex, and; not allow the dominance of its bloated defense budget to become, as Eisenhower said, “the disgraceful theft of our children’s heritage, and future well-being”, while further adding, “in the rocket age we must not fail to comprehend the grave implications of this growing complex to the very structure of American society.”

Eisenhower recognized any war with the Soviets or Chinese would be the end of civilization as human beings know it. When American politicians were discussing how to restructure the U.S. Dollar and economy after such a potential nuclear war, Eisenhower quipped, “Wait a minute, boys. We’re not going to be restructuring the dollar, we’re going to be grubbing for worms.”

During the Korean War, Ike refused to use the Atomic Bomb, even when the brilliant American General Douglas MacArthur of WWII fame in the Pacific believed he could swiftly end the Korean War, and knockoff China as a potential world threat at the same time, with his controversial military ‘blitzkrieg’ strategy that he believed could have ended the war in a mere 10 days if he had been allowed to use the Atomic Bomb against China and North Korea. Macarthur prophetically warned in 1953 that unless China was decisively dealt with at that point, within 50 years time, China would become a serious threat to world peace and security. Within the context of war, MacArthur wasn’t wrong while others would say he was spot on, but within the context of the survival of the human race, of course, he was absolutely dead wrong.

MacArthur’s radical plan reads like a “Dr. Strangelove” movie that called for: 30 to 50 tactical atomic bombs to be dropped on the borders of the Yalu River between North Korea and China; then call on a half-million Chiang Kai-shek’s troops, sweetened with two U.S. Marine Divisions, to seal off Chinese reinforcements from assisting the North Koreans; further spreading a belt of radioactive cobalt to create a radioactive defense perimeter all along the Yalu with a life of 60 to 120 years that would have made it impassible for any invasion from the North for at least 60 years or more.

When asked about the fear of Russia coming to the Chinese and North Koreans defence, MacArthur dismissively declared, “Russia? It makes me laugh!” The only way, he said, Russia could ever have moved troops, weapons and material to resupply them, “would have been along the then one-lone track of the Trans-Siberian railway that only led onto a peninsula to the sea.”

In any case, General MacArthur’s military action plan was never carried out because of what he referred to as “The Great Betrayal” when the American and British governments jointly leaked his bold military plans to the Chinese and Russians before it ever happened, and that was that.

Two good resources to know more about what transpired back then, nearly 70 years ago, are:


Douglas MacArthur’s Plan to Win The Korean War – Warfare History Network


It’s clear that a fatal streak of insanity that runs through America’s political and military mind. Yet, sadly, now in the midst of an ever-escalating war in Ukraine, by yet other military and political madmen and their master war plans, Eisenhower’s forewarnings seem all but forgotten as the world continues to ever-closer to threatening to blow itself up.

Since the onset of the Civil war between Western and Eastern Ukraine, that, in modern times, began in earnest with the Western World’s fascist preparations that actually began in the 1990’s, but in earnest in 2008, followed by its Maidan coup in 2014, proponents on all sides have argued in favor of using a pre-emptive nuclear sucker punch before the other side ever gets the chance. As the war in Ukraine continues, the palpable insanity only continues to ramp up, while the contrary, level-headed, sober-minded political and military analysts in the world continue to be ridiculed, minimized, relegated to the sidelines or, worse yet, assassinated.


It’s important to keep in the back of one’s mind the age-old ‘pre-nuclear’ pattern of how dangerous nationalistic civil wars in history have invariably led to even greater, ‘world wars’ that ended up radically shaping the history of the entire human world. To name but a few: Caesar’s Civil War in 49 B.C.; Scottish ‘Wars of the Three Kingdoms’ (1639-1651) the English Civil Wars (1642-1651); the Peninsular War (part of Napoleon’s War of 1808-1814); the Balkan Civil War (1912-1913) that led to WWI; the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), that presaged World War II. Imagine what could ensue in this current civil war or others like it in these post-nuclear times.

Unfortunately, “Glasnost, The Game” has never caught on amongst the imperialist rulers of the world, especially the Americans and other leaders in the West. Long before the outbreak of the current Civil War in Ukraine, and ever since, the United States and its NATO allies have consistently refused to enter into any meaningful ceasefire, peace or disarmament negotiations with the Russians or Russian-speaking Eastern Ukrainians. Since long before the 2014 coup, U.S. and NATO have been methodically manipulating geo-political-military events in Ukraine because they recognize it as being the soft vulnerable underbelly of the Russian Empire and the best of all ways to finally ‘check mate’ Mother Russia herself.

A recent example of this glaring gap in the dialogue between them is the vote recently taken by the U.N. General Assembly that overwhelmingly voted (143-5, with 35 abstentions), to deny to recognize the 93% vote of the populace of the four regions of Eastern Ukraine, who are in favor of becoming annexed by Russia, that the U.N. instead preferred to call, “a sham, conducted on occupied land amid warfare and displacement.”

This means, regardless of the fact that 143 countries of the UN’s General Assembly may have rejected Russia’s annexation of four regions of Eastern Ukraine, doesn’t alter the fact that for the fascist-infested Ukrainian Army of Western Ukraine, and its NATO allies, to continue to militarily mount attacks against the much-hated Russian-speaking regions of Eastern Ukraine and Mother Russia herself, still must objectively be considered “Acts of War” in anyone’s books, even that of the United Nation’s own charter. It leaves unanswered the question, “who now and in the future will protect the human rights and welfare of the Russian-speaking Eastern Ukrainians seeking justice for themselves who, long before even WWII, have been much hated because of their Russian heritage?

It also calls into question what the legal status will be in the future once the U.S. and its NATO Allied-proxy combatants decide to supply the Western Ukraine’s Army with tactical nuclear weaponry. If, or when, it happens it puts the legal status of the conflict in a whole different light.

But elections today, everywhere in the world, even so-called ‘democratic’ ones, are commonly negated now. Such is the worldwide bastardization of the democratic process. They no longer carry any weight among the propagandists, especially those autocratic, authoritarian fascists who don’t like the results, just as a majority of American voters still believe President Trump’s defeat was a stolen election. There just exists today too much political propaganda, misinformation, disinformation and cynicism to ever know truth from fiction.


The reader should briefly consider some things about the history of Glasnost and Perestroika. Such as how both concepts continue to play an integral part in Ukraine’s evolution as an ideological, political, cultural entity, or how their related histories continue to play an integral part in the life of modern Russia as well as the Ukrainian State

The Breakup of the Soviet Union Explained – YouTube)

This is especially true given the current Civil War between Western and Eastern Ukraine. Especially in regard to the overwhelmingly and understandable results of the recent vote, as free and democratic as one can expect in the middle of a war, by the Russian-speaking people of Eastern Ukraine, who opted, for a multitude of political, cultural, economic and military reasons, to return back to Mother Russia, for her cultural sustenance and physical protection.


The propaganda, misinformation and disinformation surrounding the war in Ukraine is so thick it can barely be cut with even the sharpest of journalistic knives. It’s truly mind-boggling. This writer hasn’t ever seen anything quite like it in his lifetime. It should be as frightening a wake-up call, to citizens of all ages in the world to grasp, before it’s too late, how and why the United States, as the Western World’s main instigator in the NATO-led proxy war in Ukraine, has become such an all-encompassing fascist dark force in this war.

The American Empire’s imperialist-corporate expansionism doesn’t rest, never has, never will. The reality of its still existent Monroe Doctrine, and “Project for a New American Century” codicil, are crystal-clear indicators of that fact.

It’s instructive to take a brief walk down the avenues of time to see exactly how the Monroe Doctrine, as a smothering, frustrating influence in the evolution of democratic, left-leaning social movements in the New World continues to threaten to expand all the more in the Old World. In the days of the old Soviet Union there always remained a dynamic counterbalancing force in the struggle between communistic, communalistic, progressive movements and those imperialistic, fascist-leaning, corporate movements more favored by the Americans and the United States.


The simple fact remains that long before the United States was even formerly born as a nation in the New World, the imperialist European forces who first arrived, and later would form that “shining city on the hill”, began importing, from the get-go, Black African slaves to the New World as its first financial, corporate, institutionalized enterprise that ever since has continued to expand into endless ways that have made the Nation’s much-hallowed Bill of Rights a mockery.

But all this came in the beginning with the blessings of Europe’s Catholic Pope and heads of other European religions, who all gave their blanket blessings as to why their faithful European Christian followers, and their descendants, had the right, forever more, in the eyes of God, to slaughter, enslave, divest and depose the New World’s First Nation peoples, as needed.

By 1823, while the U.S. was still only in its infancy, John Quincy Adams, an original signatory of the nation’s Declaration of Independence, who would go on to become the 6th President of the United States, signed the Monroe Doctrine, on behalf of President James Monroe and all the other imperial leaders of the United States, who had signed the young nation’s original Bill of Rights and its Declaration of Independence.

Furthermore, the Monroe Doctrine originally declared, as a primary principle of US policy, that, henceforth, any intervention by external powers in the politics of the America’s would be considered a potentially hostile act against the United States itself. Secondly, the America’s would forever remain distinctly separate spheres of influence and any effort by any other European power, besides itself, to control or influence sovereign states in the Western Hemisphere would be viewed as a very threat to US security. Thirdly, it further added that the United States in the Western Hemisphere would recognize and not interfere with any existing European colonies, nor meddle in the internal affairs of those European countries.

But it was all a grandiose lie from the outset. On all three counts, the inherent hypocrisy of the Monroe Doctrine and its tenets, as an integral part of American foreign policy, still exists and, unilaterally, is ruthlessly-enforced by the United States. The Cuban Nuclear Missile Crisis in 1962 being one poignant example, not to mention the innumerable times the United States has ruthlessly punished or unilaterally overthrown whatever democratic, leftist, revolutionary social movement that ever dared to question or challenge America’s dominant fascist corporate rule of law.

What since has emerged from the Monroe Doctrine, and its offspring, is a whole set of beliefs and mindsets that have made themselves known in whatever country of the America’s ever has had the temerity to challenge the hegemony of American exceptionalism. The US consistently has supported only those colonial right-wing governments opposed to whatever home-grown communistic, revolutionary social movements and their philosophy have ever sought to gain any meaningful ground in the America’s that might challenge the proverbial ‘American Dream’. The list of U.S.-supported, CIA-assisted, violent regime-changes of left-wing governments is long and reads like a horror story.

Cases in point: 1895: Armed revolt by Native Hawaiians tried to stop the U.S. unilateral annexation of Hawaii but were militarily put down and never allowed to vote on the annexation of their country; 1898: U.S. unilaterally claimed the Philippines, again without any vote by the people themselves, with the U.S. arrogantly claiming it as “a ceded territory”; 1898; U.S. military invaded Puerto Rico that had been granted “self-rule” by Spain. But the Treaty of Paris, under U.S. pressure, denied their self-rule and officially approved the cession of Puerto Rico to the U.S.; 1912: U.S, military occupation of Nicaragua during the Banana War sought to protect fascist U.S. Dell Monte corporate business interests over the people’s rights; 1947-1977: U.S. military supported and trained Paraguay’s right-wing military in counter-intelligence and counter-insurgency for its opposing communism more strongly than any other nation in the world; 1948: US supported Paraguay’s dictator Alfredo Stroessner and the regime change of its former left-wing government; 1954: CIA-assisted the U.S.-endorsed overthrow of Guatemala’s President Jacobo Arbenz; 1961: Dominion Republic’s dictator Rafael Trujillo, once he fell out of grace with his American political handlers was assassinated by conspirators sponsored by the CIA; 1962 to 2022: an on-going oppressive, punitive economic embargo has been waged against the Republic of Cuba; 1964: CIA-assisted right-wing failed coup d’etat of President Joao Goulart of Brazil; 1970: CIA-assisted right-wing coup of Chile’s President Salvadore Allende; 1971; CIA-assisted coup of Bolivian President Juan Jose Torres; 1976: CIA-assisted right-wing coup and overthrow of Argentina’s democratically-elected President Isabel Peron; 1989: U.S.-supported invasion of Panama in attempt to overthrow Manuel Noriega and imprison him once he had served his purpose for corporate America; 1990’s: CIA-backed death squads terrorized Haiti’s attempt to form democratic government; 2004: CIA-assisted bloody coup and forced removal of Haiti’s President Jean-Bertrand Aristead by the U.S. military who physically removed Aristead against his will from the America’s under U.S. military escort, exiling him to the Central African Republic and South Africa.

This is but a partial list of the brutal predations of U.S.-led imperialism that have not only flourished in the America’s since the birth of the United States, but throughout the world as it and it and its allies have continued to expand an ever-widening Monroe Doctrine-style imperialism into places like: the overthrow of the leftist government of Mossadegh in Iraq; the Taliban in Afghanistan, and; Gaddafi in Libya; while, each time, American and Western governments, banks and financial Wall Street institutions, have descended like vultures, to utterly cannibalize their national coffers.

It’s a truly ugly, distasteful tale to tell, especially within the context of Manifest Destiny, as coined by advocates of the New World Order, who still deeply believe the United States is inevitably destined, by God himself, to forever expand its dominion and corporate brand of democracy and capitalism throughout the New & Old Worlds.

This same curious mindset of American philosophy is what also led to the Cold War Domino Theory, that, in turn, led to the Vietnam War against the Vietnamese people and their Chinese allies. This, in turn, then led to the Cold War against the Soviet Union; that led to the Hot War against Russia in Ukraine and perhaps, in the near or not too distant future, even China over the tensions that continue to build in the South Pacific around Taiwan.


The War in Ukraine speaks to a U.S. imperialist-run Western Hemisphere of The America’s, that continues to expand into a NATO-dominated Eastern European-Eurasian world, with even greater, more far-reaching imperial goals and objectives in mind for the future.

To know something more about how the American Empire’s early objectives were originally laid out in the Monroe Doctrine is to begin to better understand what its new objectives now are in Ukraine and beyond, as was spelled out by NATO’s Secretary General as, “the most important summit in generations.” Contained in that Madrid Summit, that sought to shore up US Militarism in the 21st century and beyond, was its new Strategic Concept that now has identified, as the key threat to Western Civilization’s long-range interests and values as being, as they always have been: the continued existence of Russia and China.

Noam Chomsky: The “Historic” NATO Summit in Madrid Shored Up US Militarism (

Noam Chomsky, one of the world’s pre-eminent Peace & War intellectuals, without mincing his words, recently modestly quipped, upon reading the conclusions of Madrid’s NATO Summit, “The Empire Doesn’t Rest!” A remarkable understatement, to say the least.

But what will the Human Race’s flashpoint moment of truth in Ukraine now turn into? If be a nuclear threat that suddenly turns into a calamitous slaughter, what will be the ultimate cost of lives lost, and who will have the stomach of another General MacArthur, to exact that cost with some Nuclear Sucker Punch, or ultimate tit-for-tat by a multitude of others that will surely follow?

The very last word must go Jeffrey Sachs, a erudite Columbia University Professor & Scott Ritter, a former U.S. Marine officer and You Tube host of the Scott Ritter Report; two very wise, peace-loving men who are doing everything in their power to put an end to all the madness. Listen intently to their “Pathway to A Negotiated Peace” discussion in the Epilogue.




In 1961, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower gave a brief farewell address to the nation and to the world, that lasted for all of less than ten minutes, but which historians now consider to be one of the most famous and important speeches in American and World History.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Farewell Address (1961) | National Archives

In his farewell, Eisenhower reminded America and the world to ever strive to use their individual and collective powers: to keep the peace; foster human achievement in the interest of world peace and human betterment, and always; enhance liberty, dignity and integrity among all peoples and nations. ‘Ike’ further reminded America and the world, “to strive for less would be unworthy of a free and religious people.” He went on to say, “Any failure traceable to arrogance, or our lack of comprehension or readiness to sacrifice would inflict upon us grievous hurt both at home and abroad.”

If Eisenhower were alive today, he no doubt would add the words, “such as a nuclear war”, because all the citizenry of the United States who now, willingly, have allowed themselves to become completely brainwashed and propagandized about the causes of the war and who is fundamentally responsible for it, as well as; all the major and minor newspaper editorials and nightly television newscasters and anchors who daily, nightly, methodically pound into the world’s collective minds and hearts who and what are the causes of whatever nuclear war may yet be in the offing; all those who control which establishment mainstream writers and which acceptable alternative freelance journalists will be allowed or not allowed to speak directly to the body politic, blocking any and all who would otherwise express whatever: anti-American sentiments, or; whatever anti-war, pro-peace, pro-diplomacy, pro-negotiations between Russia and the U.S. are actual real traitors. In other words, any and all who attempts to speak real truth to power about what all is going on in the world at this moment.

Eisenhower in his address to America and the world over 60 years ago could be speaking to the American conduct in the war in Ukraine today when he further added, “Progress toward these noble goals is persistently threatened by the conflict that now engulfs the world. It commands our whole attention, absorbs our very beings. We face a hostile ideology, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method”.

The dangers of the “hostile, ruthless, insidious global ideology” ‘Ike’ spoke to so long ago about was not only posed about communism but also spoke about, and continues to speak about today’s fascist, war-mongering elites in America who continue to control the course and direction of the war in Ukraine and care less whether or not the world will become ingulfed in a Nuclear holocaust.

In the meantime, Professor Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University, and Scott Ritter of the Scott Ritter Report, get the last word in their Brooklyn For Peace hosted “Pathway To A Negotiated Peace” dialogue (Jeffery Sachs and Scott Ritter: The Pathway to Peace – YouTube). It’s a must listen to dialogue of major importance to understanding why the war remains so unresolved.

It soon becomes crystal-clear while listening to Sachs and Ritter, that a very small, select coterie of dark ‘Puppet Master’ elites operating in the shadows, or in some nuclear-proof bunker, now are in total control of the course the war will take. It’s why, as Professor Sach points out, no one outside of the elites closed circle, that operates from ‘behind the curtains’, has neither: ever been asked about the course the war should take, or; ever been told what the intended course of the war should be, or; invited to write a thoughtful, learned op-ed about it.

The military-industrial complex has created a potential Nuclear WWIII in the making in Ukraine because the world economy is in such a catastrophic, cataclysmic shambles. It always has been the way of things between war and peace and the reason each time for pulling the trigger that sets off the madness once again. Already, in the first half of the 20th century there had been four world wars, three of which directly embroiled America and now, at any tick of the Doomsday Clock, could reset everything back to some new beginning. In the meantime, the only ones who will continue to benefit from it all will once again be the military industrial complex who will become that much more disgustingly richer and more powerful than ever before.

But here we go again in that age-old blood vendetta war of hatred and violence between the commies and the fascists. This time around, the West’s high-tech 21st century propaganda machine has effectively implanted within their followers every thought and mind the image of Putin as yet another ‘evil’ Stalin or Hitler to be summarily eradicated. While Volodymyr Zelenskiy, and his Western Ukrainian Ultra-Nationalists, Azov neo-Nazi Battalions, U.S.-led NATO Allied forces are either: the new ‘Good Guys’ or ‘Bad Guys’; the “Liberators” or “Patriots”, who will eradicate EVIL this time around. This struggle could be likened to a repeat of the prelude to WWII that occurred in Spain when the Nazi’s provided Franco’s Ultra-Nationalist Fascists with all the cutting-edge war materials they needed to carry out their own proxy war against the world’s Democratic Republicans.

Only This Time Around, if this new Western World Proxy War in Ukraine ends up becoming a prelude to nuclear world war it couldn’t be between a more predicable bunch of more-crazed adversaries, in a no more likely insane ‘Blood Feud’ killing field than Ukraine and Russia

Where it all will end this time, ‘only the Shadow knows!’

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