Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Who Suffers? – OpEd

Mr President Zelensky: “You have got your country trapped into US led NATO proxy war against Russia without the West losing their soldiers. US and the NATO have categorically stated they will not send soldiers to fight in Ukraine. The longer this war continues, the more Ukrainians will flee their homeland, more the devastation to their homes, cities, industry and economy taking a critical hit. Are you not a worried person for your country and the safety of your people?”

Does the world want to show to the next generation its creation; ‘Ruined Ukraine”? Macbeth; “When shall we three meet again in thunder, lightning, or in rain? When the hurly-burly is done, When the battle’s lost and won”. A lot has happened since Russia invaded Ukraine and the first anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on 24th February 2023 has also gone past. What should the ordinary people take from the ongoing crisis? Who Suffers?

It is generally the poor ordinary people as rest the most well to do citizens have left the country and may be reasonably doing fine in other countries as one does not see Ukrainian refugee camps like of Syrians, Afghans or Rohingyas. EU countries especially Poland have taken good care of the Ukrainian migrants or may call them refugees as well. In this uncalled for, avoidable war there will be ‘No victors or the Vanquished’. Both Russia and Ukraine will be the ultimate losers.

President Zelensky, I am sure by now has understood the harsh reality of world politics and he well knows this war will have “No Winners” but only losers. But President Zelensky with support of US President Biden, NATO and the EU allies has made this conflict a ”Do and Die” issue for Ukraine. President Zelensky should be little realistic and act like a leader in the overall interest of the Ukrainian people.Politicians are bound to pursue the ultimate victory at any cost and how many ordinary people die does not matter.

Some Statistic on the One year Russia-Ukraine Conflict:

Soldier Casualties.There is a vast gulf between the reporting from Russia and Ukraine, but Western intelligence agencies estimated recently that some 200,000 Russian soldiers had been killed or wounded since the war began. The Ukrainian toll is believed to be  more than 100,000 dead or wounded troops.The figures on soldier deaths as reported by Russia and Ukraine’s governmental authorities need to be taken with caution.
Civilian Deaths.The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has estimated the number of deaths of civilians, or non-armed individuals, in Ukraine at around 8.1 thousand since the start of the war on February 24, 2022.  In a war, the people who die in the largest numbers are ordinary people and their children  These are only the dead whose identities have been confirmed.Independent assessments have put the civilian toll closer to 100,000.
Some 14 million Ukrainian Migrants have fled their homes either to other countries or other parts of Ukraine.  According to the UN refugee agency, Poland is sheltering more than 1.5 million  people from Ukraine. 
The economy of  Ukraine has suffered the GDP took a 30 percent plunge in 2022.Moreover, if the war intensifies, the economy and people’s livelihood are bound to be affected, and the people who suffer are also ordinary ones.
Ukrainian President is believed to have given roughly 350 addresses to his nation since the war began. In his efforts to win international support, Volodymyr Zelensky has spoken to more than three dozen houses of parliament.
European and the German public opinion is increasingly sceptical about the West’s approach to the oil war. The recent finding that the Biden administration was responsible for the Nord Stream sabotage exacerbates these sentiments.

A Political Stand Dangerous

A Political Stand can be dangerous at times if you are also fighting also for others interests and trying to be tough backed by outside forces. Patriotism is a very valuable motivational resource in every country to build up a favourable public opinion to boost the morale of the public and of the fighting military forces to push a country to fight against a stronger and bigger military power. However, solutions through diplomacy remain important and should always be an option for peace.

US is always happy to fight wars remotely from a distant continent as long as the war is fought away from its shores and especially to retain its hegemony in Eurasia, retain control over NATO and counter Russia on NATO’s eastern borders. Ukraine war has made the US stronger with the NATO and EU becoming local tools to get manipulated by the US for its global.

US-NATO On Path to Escalate

The US has never given so much military assistance to a nation that wasn’t home to US forces fighting a war; one year in, the figure has eclipsed $100 billion. European Union contributions have totaled over $58 billion since last February.US-NATO is on a path to escalate the scope of the proxy war by supplying Ukraine with tanks,long-range weapons. This will also result in Russia to escalate their operations in the entire region as Russia is still capable to escalate at will.The US-NATO and its EU allies are unable to influence the course of the conflict other to defend.

Wait and Watch President Xi visit to Moscow

The visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Moscow this month will also indicate to what extent Russia will go to. President Xi Jinping other than closer cooperation and coordination at this juncture will not like to escalate as he is looking forward for his peace proposals which have been rejected by the West.

The fighting is likely to reach a stalemate but when is the question as neither side is capable of a clean victory due to large number of geopolitical factors. However, that probably would not be an end to this war but the intensity of battles may be declining like a temporarily ceasefire similar to something like India-Pakistan cross border firing salvos. Till some negotiated solution is arrived at the ordinary people will continue to die and suffer.

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