I noticed that the consciousness of many simply cannot cope with the events of June 24th. Therefore, the trend is rising: “it just didn’t happen”; “everything was not real”; “They are there on purpose.” Only in this way can the acute pain of what happened be dulled. When it comes to the defensive reaction of a wide society, not particularly immersed in the sphere of meanings – in this case, political science meanings, this is understandable and acceptable: people are looking for loopholes for the continuity of the routine flow of the life world, in which events are either microscopic or they do not exist at all. But when those who claim seriousness and depth of analysis begin to broadcast the same thing, it just looks pathetic. In fact, the acute phase of the events of June 24 has been resolved, but nothing is completely over yet: now some specific actions of the authorities must follow, which will clarify the picture, and only then comes the minimum clarity. In the meantime, it may be premature to comment on the meanings: since the whole process has not been completely completed, the resulting one may be different. After all, what began and continues, acquires meaning in its completion – and not before. You never know what can happen in the course of the deployment of such a critical chain of events. Full analytics ahead.

But what happened on June 24, 2023 was the first chord of a monstrous catastrophe. It was an accident of Russian statehood, which was avoided at the very last moment and, in fact, at a very high price.

In the meantime, the problem of passionarity has essentially become clear. When it is fatally lacking in the center of the system, it begins to spontaneously concentrate on the periphery. At one extreme, we see a clear excess of passionarity. But on the other, there is a clear lack of it. This, apparently, is the main energy problem of the authorities. And it needs to be addressed. without delay.
In terms of Pareto’s theory of elites, the same thing is described as a conflict between elites and counter-elites. If the elite, which is already in power, does not have a sufficient amount of power qualities, it will inevitably be thrown off sooner or later by the counter-elite, which is not allowed to power, but which has power qualities in abundance.

And finally, the question of legality and legitimacy arose sharply. The rebels radicalized the problem to the utmost, but only raised it. She did not receive final approval. But now she’s already here with us and we can’t get away from her.

Now is the turning point. bifurcation point. In summary, there are two decisionist scenarios. Good and terrible. There is apparently nothing beautiful in the current situation, just as there is simply nothing bad. A bad script will instantly turn into a terrible one.

  1. Good script. Personnel decisions for a number of major departments. Almost everything is obvious here. Some showed themselves as heroes, others as traitors and cowards. The undisputed heroes are Putin and Lukashenko. It was they who saved the country hovering over the abyss. But those who made this situation possible, who contributed to it, and who could not prevent it, and when it all started, were unable to adequately respond, these must be said goodbye sharply. Such a decision will strengthen the position of the supreme power and restore the shaken respect for it, faith in the power of the real Sovereign.
    At the same time, attention should now be paid to the generalized program that Prigogine hastily unveiled: society is sorely lacking in justice, honor, courage and intelligence on the part of the elites. To such an extent is not enough that it causes a real explosion. So why not take this idea into service with the authorities themselves? Putin is now (and always) in the position that he can do it and he will definitely succeed. So:

elite rotation,
punishment of cowards and traitors,
encouragement of the faithful and brave,
correction of ideology in the direction of patriotic self-awareness, social justice and the real inclusion of society in the war.
Less PR, more reality. And everything will fall into place.

In general, the substitution of reality by PR is an absolute evil. Sooner or later, this bubble bursts, and if instead of a political system we have only a grandiose media fiction, then a catastrophe is inevitable. And most importantly: the laws of lies sooner or later force themselves to believe in their own lies. This is the last stage. It’s the end for her.

  1. Terrible scenario . Leave everything as is. Don’t change anything. Clean out any mention of June 24 and its defendants from the media and blogosphere. Criminalize any appeal to patriotism with reference to rebellion. Blame everything on the West and its machinations. Make a conclusion in favor of liberalism and flood everything with PR technologies and victorious reports.

I’m not going to scare you, but I suggest that you soberly imagine the consequences of such a decision, that is, the absence of any decision whatsoever. It was what happened that led to what happened. If nothing is changed, the catastrophe will repeat itself, and this time it will be fatal.

Those who have a higher degree of passionarity win. Spirit wins. There are soldiers and there are warriors. Task: to awaken warriors in soldiers.

Woe to us if we learn the wrong lesson from the “master class”.

We need to get together now. The enemy begins the second most powerful offensive wave. The only way to defeat the Wagner rebellion is to become Wagner yourself.

We need an army of victors.

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