Muslim Ummah Needs Unity For Protection Of Their Religion And Its Sanctity – OpEd

The burning of the Qur’an in Sweden has sharply heightened tensions throughout the world with Turkey at its forefront aggressive approach, expressing its strict condemnation over this unethical and heinous act against the holy Quran.

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms the vile attack on our holy book. Permitting this anti-Islam act, which targets Muslims and insults our sacred values, under the guise of freedom of expression is completely unacceptable,” the Turkish Foreign Ministry said. At least this kind of statement must be given by every Muslim and should take necessary actions against the perpetrators who are given an inflammatory speech in spreading hate against Islam.
This Islamophobia seems to be applauded and encouraged against the backdrop of global hate crimes and especially a huge bias against Muslims. For a decade this vile act has happened in different corners of the world and this rampant Islamophobia has a visible impact on the geopolitical scenario and largely on the communities which involve in trifles and most importantly riots have broken out on number of times.

A few days back, the sacrilegious act of burning of Qur’an in Sweden aroused a strong public reaction in Iraq, Pakistan, Jerusalem, Palestine, Iran, Bangladesh and other Muslim countries. This can cause disruption of peace and harmony but the major concern is that it hurts the sentimental and religious values of a follower of Islam. Any time it can change into a battlefield if it is not abated at the national or international level.

Along with calling for the international community to curb Islamophobia, the resolution passed by the UN that 15 March is celebrated as international day, reminds everyone that condemnation is the sole purpose against the bias of followers of Islam.

The sad truth is that millions of people around the world which have been engrossed in their minds that Islamophobia is not some nebulous concept, but it has created a toxic reality among the common people of the world. It has escalated at a fast rate and has taken several forms, which can include insidious attempts to exclude Muslims from jobs, and education and even excel the Muslims from the country on the basis of their faith and religion. It has taken more violent rages, such as state-sanctioned attacks and programs targeting the Muslim community.

All of these manifestations of hate and riots based on faith and religion need to be combated thoroughly. Islamophobia was given a fillip during the so-called war on terror when the actions of violent actors, claiming to be fighting for the glory of Islam, resulted in ordinary Muslims having to face the consequences.

In the recent past, the release of anti-Islam films or files on YouTube or on social media has produced bad repercussions on community integration on the basis of faith and this has fuelled a new toxicity in the minds of the people. This has taken its depth that vigilantes attack those who are outside the state or country, even students have become targets and refuse to give them boarding and lodging in hotels who ‘look’ like Muslims.

Nowadays the anti-Islamic prejudice has taken on new forms, especially when the decision has been taken to uphold the hijab ban in educational institutions, recently this has come up in Kashmir which has heavily influenced the desire and respect of the Muslim community. Sadly, the government is trying to snatch the legal right from the Muslim women and try to dictate to them what they can or cannot wear in India.

However, it has deep roots in other parts of the world as every year in one or another way the act of Islamophobia or blasphemous has become usual and this has deteriorated the togetherness and brotherhood in the human race. Discriminatory citizenship laws, lynching of Muslims on suspicions of consuming or transporting beef and bans on communal prayers are all well part of this system of Islamophobia and pushing the system into the worst situation. This is what exactly Islamophobia has typed the hatred among the people of the community having peace, prosperity and happiness.

Even elsewhere, the decisions to restrict women in the limits of Islamic jurisprudence have been taken especially in the Nikka or attempts have been taken to interfere in the matrimonial relationship and this has indirectly demonise the Muslims, and illustrates the need for a concerted effort to combat Islamophobia.

At the world level especially western world in the case of Islam issue, efforts are needed to promote tolerance. This includes allowing followers of all faiths to practice their beliefs freely, while Muslim states also have a responsibility to protect their minorities from extremists. Unfortunately, populists and rabble-rousers always exploit the schisms in society. To counter their designs, states, and conscientious citizens must resist this rising tide of hate by actively working towards a more tolerant world.

As Qur’an says: “Everyone’s God-given human dignity must be respected, regardless of his or her faith, race, ethnic origin, gender, or social status (17:70).” Because everyone is created by Almighty Allah, the Maker of all, humans must treat one another with full honor, respect, and loving-kindness. This is the preamble of humanity and must be practiced by everyone in society regardless of any schism.

“Freedom of speech doesn’t mean you are free to hit at the sentiments of followers of other religions and it should never be used as a means to despise others, and allowing that is rejected and condemned in any means if at the higher level why not Govt itself must be involved in combating ridiculous act”

The entire Muslim Ummah has been saddened by the insulting and sad incident of the Quran burning under police supervision in Sweden. The state of Pakistan, along with other Muslim countries, condemned this insulting behaviour at all levels and registered a protest. In this regard, Prime Minister of Pakistan Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif also decided to celebrate Holy Quran Day on July 7. The whole nation responded to his call and told the world that Muslims and Pakistanis were peaceful people and that the initiative of the Prime Minister to Celebrate the Holy Quran Day was a good decision indicative of a civilized nation. While the world may criticize Pakistan and Muslims for terrorism, it should open its eyes to the fact that the holiest book of the religion of Islam was burnt, but despite this, those who burned it are not being declared as terrorists and are being provided with state support. Protests were also held in Bangladesh.

Our politicians, rulers and powerful circles should be one voice against this global terrorism so that the message goes to the world that Muslims are united for the protection of their religion and its sanctity. Although the Swedish government has distanced itself as a government from this process, how is it possible that a request to burn the Holy Quran is filed in the Swedish court and the Swedish court not only allows the burning of the Holy Quran but also allows the police to protect this shameful act? It also issues orders to perform the duty of protecting the person humiliated during the impure act. Now the entire Muslim Ummah must protest against the Swedish government and take assurance that such incidents will not happen in the future. Because this is not only a problem of a muslim country alone, it is a matter of the sanctity of the holy book of the Holy Quran for the entire Muslim Ummah. Muslim Ummah needs unity for the protection of their religion and its sanctity. It is a must.

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