Recep Tayyip Erdogan: “Human rights organizations and global media organizations are playing the three monkeys”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan asked on Tuesday how the United Nations (UN) can defend the rights of others when it is unable to protect the rights of its own staff amid Israeli attacks on peacekeepers in Lebanon.

“We all watched in shame how helpless the UN Security Council and international organizations are in the face of Israeli arrogance,” Erdogan said at a conference on global diplomacy and the future of Palestine in Ankara.

Erdogan questioned how much longer the UN Security Council would stand by and “watch our region turn into a sea of blood while civilians in Gaza are burned alive.”

“We are witnessing how human rights organizations and global media organizations are playing the three monkeys when it comes to the rights of innocent children killed in Gaza,” Erdogan stated.

Erdogan also said that Palestinians have been suffering this repression for decades, while Israel has been continuously pursuing its policy of occupation, destruction, and execution for 76 years.

“We can assume where this expansionism will spread if Israel, which is becoming increasingly spoiled and persistent, is not stopped,” he added.

Turkish President Erdogan stated that more efforts from the Islamic world and the international community are necessary to deliver more humanitarian aid to Gaza before winter.

He emphasized that not only children, women, the elderly, and civilians are dying in Gaza and Lebanon, but also the conscience of humanity and the millennia-old world heritage.

He added that his country has sent the most aid to Gaza.

“The aid we have sent to our brothers in Gaza has exceeded 84 tons,” Erdogan said.

He emphasized that he will continue the struggle until the establishment of an independent and sovereign state of Palestine with the borders of 1967 and East Jerusalem as its capital.

“Although there is great pain involved, the entire process will, with God’s help, conclude with the establishment of a free Palestinian state with the borders of 1967,” Erdogan stated, as reported by Anadolu.

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